Fight for cut in workweek, no cut in pay to stop layoffs!

Biden attacks political rights as bosses cut jobs and wages
Vol. 85/No. 6 - February 15, 2021
Jan. 27 picket line at Borgers USA auto parts plant in Norwalk, Ohio. Workers went on strike Jan. 21 in fight to improve pay, benefits, and win recognition of their union.

Working people in the U.S. face an economic and social crisis with millions of jobs closed down and bosses attacking the hours, wages and working conditions of those still on the job in a drive to crush their competitors and…

Fight gov’t campaign against constitutional rights we need!

Vol. 85/No. 6 - February 15, 2021

Statement by Joe Swanson, Socialist Workers Party City Council At-Large candidate in Lincoln, Nebraska, Feb. 3. Facing rising joblessness and boss assaults on our wages, hours and working conditions, working people need to defend the political rights we have wrested…

SWP ballot drive in Dallas discusses class road forward

Vol. 85/No. 6 - February 15, 2021

DALLAS — “In the face of high unemployment, our unions need to lead a fight for a massive government-funded public works program to put millions to work at union-scale wages building hospitals, schools, affordable housing and more,” Gerardo Sánchez, Socialist…

US gov’t pushes assault on rights, claims target is ‘domestic terror’

Vol. 85/No. 5 - February 8, 2021
Washington used the FBI, the capitalist rulers’ political police, to spy on and try to disrupt the Black liberation movement, including targeting both Malcom X, right, and Martin Luther King Jr., left. Democrats claim greater police powers are needed to counter “domestic terrorism.”

The new Democratic Party administration of Joe Biden is spearheading an assault on political rights, claiming that a few hundred conspiracy theorists and wannabe paramilitaries, followed by some supporters of Donald Trump, who entered the Capitol Jan. 6 represent a…

In struggle, workers advance unity, class consciousness

Vol. 85/No. 5 - February 8, 2021

Statement by Willie Cotton, Socialist Workers Party candidate for New York City public advocate, released Jan 27. Socialist Workers Party candidates here in New York and across the country offer the only campaigns that are part of and champion struggles…