Nurses in Toronto rally for wage raise, improved conditions

Vol. 87/No. 11 - March 20, 2023
Hundreds of members of the Ontario Nurses’ Association picket outside contract negotiations in Toronto, March 2, demanding increased wages, more staffing and better working conditions.

TORONTO — Hundreds of nurses and their supporters took to the streets here March 2 to demand better wages, more staffing and improved conditions. Chanting “Enough is enough!” and “If we can’t get it, shut it down!” nurses protested outside…

Workers at HarperCollins end strike, make gains in contract

Vol. 87/No. 9 - March 6, 2023

NEW YORK — “I’m very proud of what we accomplished,” Laura Harshberger, a senior production editor and chair of the union bargaining unit at HarperCollins Publishers, told the Militant. The more than 200 hourly workers — in editorial, sales, publicity,…

Bay Area longshore union shuts ports, marches for Abu-Jamal

Vol. 87/No. 9 - March 6, 2023

SAN FRANCISCO — International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 10 shut down the ports of Oakland and San Francisco Feb. 16, part of international protests demanding freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal. Framed up on charges of killing Philadelphia police officer Daniel…

Cemetery workers strike over staff cuts, wage raises

Vol. 87/No. 8 - February 27, 2023

MONTREAL — Some 40 outside and office workers on strike at Montreal’s Notre-Dame-des-Neiges cemetery held a joint action at the office of the Catholic Archbishop of Montreal here Jan. 26. The Notre Dame Parish runs the cemetery. Patrick Chartrand, a…

New Jersey sanitation workers strike is ‘solid’

Vol. 87/No. 8 - February 27, 2023

CAMDEN, N.J. — “Now they’re playing hardball,” Ivan James, Teamsters Local 115 shop steward, told the Militant, describing how Waste Management of New Jersey bosses are conducting their negotiations with the union.  One hundred thirty sanitation workers at the yard…

Thousands take to streets in biggest strike in UK for 10 years

Vol. 87/No. 7 - February 20, 2023
Over 1,000 workers protested in Manchester, England, Feb. 1, part of 500,000 nationwide who rallied for raises, better work conditions and the end of government attempts to limit strikes.

LONDON — Up to 500,000 workers from different unions went on strike Feb. 1. Some 300,000 teachers, 70,000 university lecturers, thousands of train and bus drivers and 100,000 civil servants walked out. “It’s the biggest strike for 10 years, but…

Nurses across the country rally for end to the staffing crisis

Vol. 87/No. 7 - February 20, 2023

OAKLAND, Calif. — Nurses held a spirited rally at the University of California San Francisco Benioff Children’s Hospital here on Jan. 26, part of a national day of action called by the National Nurses United. They are demanding the hospital…

HarperCollins strikers rally for higher pay, union rights

Vol. 87/No. 6 - February 13, 2023
Workers on strike against HarperCollins and supporters protest Jan. 18 in New York City in fight for higher pay and in defense of their union, United Auto Workers Local 2110.

NEW YORK — More than 150 workers on strike against HarperCollins and their supporters held an enthusiastic protest in front of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp — the parent company of the publishing house — Jan. 18, the 50th day some…

Manchester rail workers join nurses pickets, bring support

Vol. 87/No. 5 - February 6, 2023
Maggie Heaton, left, Royal College of Nurses union representative for North West England, discusses strike for pay raise and improved working conditions Jan. 18 with rail workers Ólof Andra Proppé and Gary Boyle, who brought solidarity from Manchester Piccadilly Station.

MANCHESTER, England — “Representatives from the RMT and ASLEF rail worker unions came and showed their solidarity with the nurses. They handed around a sheet with 130 messages of support from workers from Piccadilly Station,” reported the Manchester Evening News…

Workers in France strike over attempt to raise retirement age

Vol. 87/No. 5 - February 6, 2023

PARIS — Striking workers led over a million people at some 220 demonstrations across the country Jan. 19 to protest President Emmanuel Macron’s attempt to raise the retirement age. Protests were accompanied by strikes of gas, electrical and rail workers,…