Quebec cement workers fight boss’ seven-month lockout

Vol. 86/No. 5 - February 7, 2022

JOLIETTE, Quebec — Locked out since last May, some 110 workers at Ash Grove’s cement plant here unanimously voted down the employers’ latest offer Jan. 6.  “The union has asked for nothing except to maintain established rights,” Renaud Gagne, Unifor’s…

Workers strike UK warehouse for better pay, win solidarity

Vol. 86/No. 5 - February 7, 2022

WORKSOP, England — “We want a wage that allows us to pay our bills, feed and take care of our families and live,” Kelly Donnelly, a striker at the Wincanton warehouse, told the Militant  on the spirited picket line here…

San Diego sanitation workers win wage increase, end strike

Vol. 86/No. 4 - January 31, 2022

Striking sanitation workers, members of Teamsters Local 542, voted 137-70 to accept an improved contract offer by Republic Services bosses, ending their four-week strike. The strikers held firm, winning growing support from area workers and some in the city government,…

Steelworkers picket to prepare for Marathon contract talks

Vol. 86/No. 4 - January 31, 2022
Carrying signs saying, “Just practicing,” United Steelworkers Local 675 picket Jan. 12 in Carson, California, preparing for upcoming Marathon contract negotiations for 30,000 workers.

CARSON, Calif. — More than 100 members of United Steelworkers Local 675 picketed outside Marathon’s Carson oil refinery here early in the morning Jan. 12, the day before national negotiations began between the union and Marathon Petroleum bosses. The current…

Teamsters defeat takeback push at Pennsylvania Coke plant

Vol. 86/No. 4 - January 31, 2022

BETHLEHEM, Pa. — Striking Teamsters at the ABARTA Coca-Cola Beverages bottling and distribution plant here agreed to a new contract Jan. 14 after more than six weeks walking the picket line. Teamsters Local 773 members — 77 drivers, service and…

San Diego-area sanitation strikers fight for wages, safety

Vol. 86/No. 3 - January 24, 2022
Sanitation workers in Teamsters Local 542 stand firm in nearly four-week strike against Republic Services in the San Diego area demanding wages on par with company’s workers elsewhere.

SAN DIEGO — Sanitation workers on strike at Republic Services in the San Diego area remain on the picket lines after voting down a new offer by the company Jan. 6. Workers are demanding higher wages, on a par with…

HarperCollins strikers fight for higher wages, union rights

Vol. 86/No. 2 - January 17, 2022

NEW YORK — “We’re fighting for higher wages and union security,” Laura Harshberger, a senior production editor and chair of the bargaining unit at HarperCollins, told the Militant. Some 200 workers — hourly employees in editorial, sales, publicity, design, legal…

NY Teamsters strike at United Metro Energy enters ninth month

Vol. 86/No. 2 - January 17, 2022
Teamsters Local 553 members and supporters picket United Metro Energy in Brooklyn, New York, Dec. 14. Workers are demanding pay equal to other area fuel-terminal operators.

NEW YORK — Fourteen workers, members of Teamsters Local 553 in Brooklyn, have been on strike against United Metro Energy Corp. since last April. They are fighting to win wages and conditions that match what workers at other fuel-terminal operators…

California hospital engineers end strike

Vol. 86/No. 2 - January 17, 2022

OAKLAND, Calif. — After 90 days on the picket line, with Kaiser management still refusing to budge on its insulting concession demands, the 700 stationary engineers on strike at 24 Northern California hospitals ended their strike Dec. 18. Officials of…

Ironworkers end strike at Erie Strayer, win dental plan

Vol. 86/No. 2 - January 17, 2022

PITTSBURGH — After 75 days on strike, the 40 members of Ironworkers Regional Shop Local 851 at Erie Strayer Company approved a new contract Dec. 19. It includes a dental plan for the first time and higher wage raises than…