Ukraine miners expand protests, demand back pay

Vol. 86/No. 1 - January 3, 2022
Miners protest in Kyiv, Ukraine, Dec. 16, after not receiving millions in back pay or funding for health and safety measures. Signs read “Our families” and “our children also want to eat.”

Miners at a number of state-owned Ukrainian mines brought their protests over wage arrears to the streets of Kyiv, the capital, Dec. 16. The action was followed by underground sit-ins and aboveground protests at the Myrnograd mine in Donetsk and…

Student workers strike for first contract at Columbia University

Vol. 86/No. 1 - January 3, 2022

NEW YORK — Some 3,000 graduate and undergraduate student workers at Columbia University, members of United Auto Workers Local 2110, have been on strike here since Nov. 3, fighting for their first contract. The workers won a ruling from the…

Calif. sanitation workers fight over safety, seniority, respect

Vol. 86/No. 1 - January 3, 2022

LOS ANGELES — More than 250 Republic Services sanitation workers in the San Diego area, members of Teamsters Local 542, went on strike Dec. 18. “Safety issue here is a big concern. We’re driving trucks that shouldn’t be on the…

Montreal day care workers end strike, gain wage increase

Vol. 85/No. 48 - December 27, 2021
Nov. 23 rally in Montreal by public sector day care workers, part of 12-day strike that won new contract. T-shirt reads: “Enough is enough! I will no longer work for peanuts!”

MONTREAL — Over 11,000 public sector day care teachers and support workers, members of the Confederation of National Trade Unions (CSN), ended a 12-day strike Dec. 12, voting up a new contract by 93%. Some 14,000 more workers from the…

Concrete truckers strike has impact on Seattle construction

Vol. 85/No. 48 - December 27, 2021

SEATTLE — Thirty-four concrete truck drivers organized by Teamster Local 174 at Gary Merlino Construction got the ball rolling Nov. 19 when they said “No” to the company’s “last, best and final” offer of wages below prevailing construction levels. Truckers…

Ukraine coal miners sit in over gov’t refusal to pay back wages

Vol. 85/No. 48 - December 27, 2021

Members of the Independent Trade Union of Miners of Ukraine stopped work at the Chervonogradska mine in the Lviv region Dec. 7 to protest the government’s refusal to pay their back wages. The 42 miners on the first shift sat…

Warehouse workers in Australia win contract fights

Vol. 85/No. 48 - December 27, 2021

SYDNEY — Some 1,000 warehouse workers organized by the United Workers Union at seven Toll distribution centers across Victoria, South Australia and New South Wales won a new contract Nov. 17, two days after going out on an indefinite strike.…

LA County bakery workers: ‘We fight for ourselves, our children’

Vol. 85/No. 47 - December 20, 2021
Elvia Castillo, striker at Jon Donaire Desserts plant in Los Angeles County, California, speaks at rally Dec. 3. Strikers’ union is Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers.

SANTA FE SPRINGS, Calif. — “Don’t let them tell you we are doing something wrong. We are doing something right, we are fighting for ourselves and our children,” striker Elvia Castillo, told a rally of 90 outside Rich’s Jon Donaire…

Clarks strike strengthens union, pushes back wage cuts

Vol. 85/No. 47 - December 20, 2021

LONDON — After eight weeks on strike, workers at Clarks Shoes distribution warehouse returned to work Nov. 30, having succeeded in pushing back the company’s demand to cut their basic wage by 15%. “It shows what can be done if…

Steel scaffolders strike continues in UK over wages, scabs, safety

Vol. 85/No. 47 - December 20, 2021

SCUNTHORPE, England — “We’re staying out for a result,” striker Dave Birchall told the Militant on the picket line outside the massive British Steel plant here. Sixty scaffolders organized by the Unite union are now into their third month of…