Unionized university workers in Quebec strike for higher wages

Vol. 83/No. 37 - October 14, 2019

MONTREAL — Unionized support workers at the University of Quebec at Montreal went on strike Sept. 3, the opening day of classes, to press their demand for higher wages. The 1,800 members of Union of UQAM Employees have been without…

British Columbia aerospace workers fight Avcorp lockout

Vol. 83/No. 37 - October 14, 2019

DELTA, British Columbia — The bosses at Avcorp Industries Inc. locked out 300 members of the International Association of Machinists Local Lodge 11 Sept. 16 here.  For several weeks the workers had carried out rotating strikes against the concessions bosses…

Baltimore Symphony kept playing music throughout lockout

Vol. 83/No. 36 - October 7, 2019
Baltimore Symphony musicians, who were locked out for over three months, joined United Auto Workers strike picket line at GM’s transmission plant in White Marsh, Maryland, Sept. 18.

BALTIMORE — “The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra produced this entire concert, everybody volunteered their time,” percussionist Brian Prechtl told 2,000 people at a free public concert at New Shiloh Baptist Church Sept. 14. The turnout showed the widespread support Local 40-543…

Thousands of nurses strike 1-day over workload, patients’ safety

Vol. 83/No. 36 - October 7, 2019

HIALEAH, Fla. — Some 6,500 members of National Nurses United conducted a one-day strike Sept. 20 at 12 Tenet hospitals in Florida, California and Arizona to protest the harsh work conditions they face created by the high nurse-to-patient ratios imposed…

Los Angeles truck drivers strike for right to join a union

Vol. 83/No. 35 - September 30, 2019
Truck drivers employed by NFI Industries’ California Cartage picket port in Wilmington, California, Sept. 9 during weeklong strike, demand to be treated as workers, not “contractors.”

WILMINGTON, Calif. — Port truck drivers employed by NFI Industries’ California Cartage Express subsidiary began a weeklong strike Sept. 9 to protest discrimination against workers fighting to establish a union at the company. NFI bosses claim the drivers are not…

Health care workers rally against two-tier contract, for wage hike

Vol. 83/No. 35 - September 30, 2019

OAKLAND, Calif. — Thousands of Kaiser Permanente health care workers protested here and in Sacramento, Los Angeles, Denver and Portland, Oregon, on Labor Day. They were rallying to press demands for a pay raise, an end to understaffing and against…

Uniform workers in Puerto Rico, make gains, end strike

Vol. 83/No. 35 - September 30, 2019
Workers at Cadillac Uniform & Linen Supply in Bayamón, Puerto Rico, celebrate Sept. 2 the winning of a wage increase and improved working conditions in one-week strike.

After one week on strike 110 workers, members of the General Workers Federation, at Cadillac Uniform & Linen Supply Inc., in Bayamón, Puerto Rico, won a wage increase and better working conditions. Most workers there were earning the federal minimum…

Bosses’ profit drive leads to deaths of two more rail workers

Vol. 83/No. 34 - September 23, 2019
Bosses’ profit drive leads to deaths of two more rail workers

BY A RAIL WORKER IN MONTREAL The rail bosses’ drive for profit claimed the lives of two more union brothers and rail workers in North America in August. On Aug. 15, in Vaughn, Ontario, 27-year-old train conductor and Teamsters union…

Petrochemical workers strike in Quebec over wages, pensions

Vol. 83/No. 34 - September 23, 2019

MONTREAL — About 30 petrochemical workers employed by Royal Vopak Co. have been on strike since July 2 here and in Quebec City. They are members of Unifor Local 175C. Unifor is the biggest private-sector union in Canada.  The workers…

Indiana Machinists end 2-month strike, vow to fight plant closure

Vol. 83/No. 34 - September 23, 2019

VALPARAISO, Ind. — “I am glad we went on strike. It brought us closer together. We learned solidarity,” Kelley Wilson, an inspector at the Regal Beloit plant, told the Militant  Sept. 4, the day after members of International Association of…