Indiana teachers rally for higher pay, better working conditions

Vol. 83/No. 12 - March 25, 2019
Over 1,000 teachers rally in Indiana Statehouse March 9. “They ask us to stay after school and do extra work but with no extra pay,” elementary school teacher Sandra Butts told the Militant.

INDIANAPOLIS — Over 1,000 teachers from across the state rallied at the Indiana Statehouse here March 9 for more school funding and higher pay. Sponsored by the Indiana State Teachers Association, the event was originally scheduled to be held outdoors,…

Weeklong strike in Oakland ends as teachers’ struggle continues

Vol. 83/No. 12 - March 25, 2019

OAKLAND, Calif. — Teachers here voted by 58 percent to accept a new contract March 3 ending a seven-day strike that had emptied the schools. They came out stronger from the effort, but the vote reflected deep divisions over the…

Coal miners in Ukraine march demanding back pay

Vol. 83/No. 9 - March 4, 2019
Coal miners and supporters protest in Lviv, Ukraine, Feb. 6, demanding back pay. Some 4,000 of 12,000 miners in state-owned Lviv regional mines belong to independent miners union.

Over 350 coal miners and their supporters marched in Lviv, Ukraine, Feb. 6, protesting outside government offices. The miners, including members of the Independent Trade Union of Miners of Ukraine (NPGU), were demanding their unpaid wages for the last month…

Quebec aluminum workers stand firm in over yearlong lockout

Vol. 83/No. 9 - March 4, 2019

BECANCOUR, Quebec — Over 1,000 ABI Becancour aluminum smelter workers, members of United Steelworkers Local 9700, have stood strong here since being locked out over a year ago. Solidarity and contributions from other workers have given the USW members the…

Chicago charter school teachers strike over pay, conditions

Vol. 83/No. 8 - February 25, 2019
Chicago Teachers Union members and supporters picket Chicago International Charter School headquarters Feb. 5, first day of strike at four charter schools over class size, pay, conditions.

CHICAGO — Some 175 members of the Chicago Teachers Union hit the picket lines at four schools here operated by Chicago International Charter School network Feb. 5. “The most important issues are class size and full staffing, as well as…

Junior doctors strike over work schedules in New Zealand

Vol. 83/No. 8 - February 25, 2019

AUCKLAND, New Zealand – Junior doctors — also known as Resident Medical Officers — picketed hospitals here Jan. 29-30 in their second nationwide strike in the last two weeks, fighting for safer working conditions. The action involved some 3,500 strikers.…

Autoworkers strike in Hungary wins 18 percent monthly raise

Vol. 83/No. 7 - February 18, 2019
Strike by thousands of autoworkers in Gyor, Hungary, won 18 percent pay hike, Jan. 24-30. Government recently gave bosses right to impose mandatory overtime of 400 hours per year.

A seven-day strike by thousands of autoworkers in Hungary, members of the Audi Hungaria Independent Trade Union, ended Jan. 30 with the unionists winning an 18 percent monthly wage raise and other benefits. That means at least $273 more a…

Building workers in New Jersey strike three days for contract

Vol. 83/No. 7 - February 18, 2019

FORT LEE, N.J. — Chanting “What do we want? Contracts” and “If we don’t get it, shut it down,” some 200 workers at Horizon House Buildings and their supporters rallied here Jan. 29 in a fight for a new contract.…

Virginia teachers to rally Jan. 28 for public education funding

Vol. 83/No. 4 - January 28, 2019

Virginia teachers are standing up and saying “Enough is enough!” to the decadeslong assault on public education by the state government. Virginia Educators United is building a statewide march and rally at the capitol in Richmond Jan. 28, to demand…

Bangladesh garment workers: ‘Implement minimum wage raise’

Vol. 83/No. 4 - January 28, 2019

Tens of thousands of garment workers have taken to the streets in Bangladesh over the past month, shutting down production. They are protesting the bosses’ refusal to fully implement a raise in the minimum wage that went into effect Dec.…