Chicago hotel strikers win year-round health coverage

Vol. 82/No. 39 - October 22, 2018

CHICAGO — Since 6,000 members of UNITE HERE Local 1 went on strike here in early September, workers at 24 of the 26 hotels have settled, winning year-round health care insurance, the biggest issue in their walkout. Union members remain…

Calif. raisin workers end strike, beat back attack on health care

Vol. 82/No. 39 - October 22, 2018

KINGSBURG, Calif. — The strike of 500 raisin processing workers here came to an end Sept. 25 when members of Teamsters Local 431 beat back an attack by bosses on their health care and ratified a new three-year contract. The…

Teachers at Miami college rally for higher pay, full-time work

Vol. 82/No. 39 - October 22, 2018

MIAMI — Eighty trade unionists and supporters held a march and rally at Miami Dade College North Campus Oct. 4 to support faculty adjunct workers organized by the Service Employees International Union at the college. The protest drew workers from…

Uber drivers protest low pay, as bosses pit them vs. taxi drivers

Vol. 82/No. 38 - October 15, 2018
Couriers from Uber Eats in Edinburgh, Scotland, on strike in January against long hours and low pay. App-based bosses and taxi companies profit in pitting drivers against each other.

Uber drivers in Australia, the United Kingdom and elsewhere have been organizing work stoppages and other protest actions over the last several weeks in response to bosses’ moves to cut pay and working conditions. These drivers — as well as…

Tomato cannery strike leaders win jobs back

Vol. 82/No. 38 - October 15, 2018

OAKLAND, Calif. — Four leaders of a tomato cannery workers strike at San Benito Foods in Hollister, who were framed up by the bosses and fired last year for participating in the walkout, have won their jobs back. They got…

Kentucky UFCW workers end strike, push back two-tier plan

Vol. 82/No. 37 - October 8, 2018
United Food and Commercial Workers members picket at Four Roses distillery Sept. 14. During two-week strike unionists won solidarity, pushed back company’s divisive two-tier plan.

COX’S CREEK, Ky. — Workers at the Four Roses distillery and bottling plant pushed back the bosses’ attempt to extract concessions Sept. 21 when the company agreed to a contract that backed off divisive two-tier provisions workers were determined to…

Workers win strike over health care at several Chicago hotels

Vol. 82/No. 37 - October 8, 2018

CHICAGO — “Nine down and 17 to go,” Beatriz Cervantes, a striker walking the picket line at the Palmer House here, told the Militant  Sept. 23. Originally from Mexico, she has 15 years seniority as a steward on night shift…

Calif. raisin workers reject contract, strike Sun-Maid

Vol. 82/No. 37 - October 8, 2018

KINGSBURG, Calif. — More than 500 raisin workers went on strike here against Sun-Maid Growers of California Sept. 10. One hundred Teamster Local 431 members picketed the main entrance to the plant Sept. 22, chanting, “Sun-Maid, unfair!” “Si se puede!”…

SF hotel workers rally, say ‘One job should be enough’

Vol. 82/No. 36 - October 1, 2018

SAN FRANCISCO — Chanting “One job should be enough!” some 1,000 hotel workers, members of UNITE HERE Local 2, and their supporters marched here on Labor Day Sept. 3. Actions took place that day at Marriott-owned hotels in seven other…

Striking hotel workers in Chicago rally for yearlong health care

Vol. 82/No. 36 - October 1, 2018
Thousands of hotel workers on strike in Chicago march through city demanding new contract. “Hotel owners say we don’t work enough hours to get health insurance,” said housekeeper Laura McKinney at the demonstration. “That’s the main reason we’re on strike.”

CHICAGO — “Every winter when the hotel business slows down, the lower seniority workers get laid off or our hours get cut. Then the hotel owners say we don’t work enough hours to get health insurance, and we’re without until…