‘Building a new society is the work of creative human beings’

Vol. 85/No. 5 - February 8, 2021

One of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for January is In Defense of Socialism: Four Speeches on the 30th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution by Fidel Castro, its central leader. The triumph of the Cuban people on Jan. 1, 1959,…

Cuban Revolution advances food production despite US embargo

Vol. 85/No. 5 - February 8, 2021

Stepped-up measures imposed by the U.S. imperialist rulers as part of its economic war against the Cuban people and their socialist revolution are having a serious impact on the country’s agricultural production. Sanctions on Venezuelan shipments of oil to Cuba,…

‘Cuban Revolution is sustained in power by working people’

Vol. 84/No. 49 - December 14, 2020
Fidel Castro delivers Second Declaration of Havana to million-strong assembly of Cuban people Feb. 4, 1962, in the Plaza of the Revolution. It was then presented around the country.

Fidel Castro: Nothing Can Stop the Course of History, one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for December, is a wide-ranging interview given by the central leader of the Cuban Revolution in 1985. His interviewers were Jeffrey M. Elliot, a…

A needed correction, worthy of study

Vol. 84/No. 45 - November 16, 2020

This week’s issue of the Militant  features an article by Mary-Alice Waters, “Defending the Cuban Revolution, Strengthening U.S. Working People.” Writing on behalf of the National Committee of the Socialist Workers Party, Waters rejects the content and political line of…

Defending the Cuban Revolution, strengthening US working people

Vol. 84/No. 45 - November 16, 2020
United actions have been at center of Socialist Workers Party’s defense of Cuban Revolution for six decades. Above, April 15, 1961, picket at U.N. called by Fair Play for Cuba Committee, which organized in U.S. and Canada to halt attacks on Cuba. Inset, SWP leader Mary-Alice Waters, right, and party’s 2008 presidential candidate Róger Calero carry banner in September 2008 march to free Cuban 5 in Washington, D.C. Also participating were IFCO/Pastors for Peace, National Network on Cuba, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Green Party, D.C. Metro Committee to Free the Five and others.

An article headlined “Would a Joe Biden White House Be Better for Cuba?” appeared in last week’s print edition of the Militant. It was retracted and not included in the online edition after the National Committee of the Socialist Workers…

Cuba celebrates 60 years of Committees to Defend Revolution

Vol. 84/No. 44 - November 9, 2020
Members of Cuba’s Committees for Defense of the Revolution do voluntary work on vegetable farm, June 7. CDRs have helped mobilize masses to counter U.S. rulers’ economic and military efforts to overturn Cuban Revolution, while providing vital supplies like food, medicines.

Working people in Cuba in September celebrated the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDRs), the country’s largest mass organization with more than 8 million members in neighborhoods in cities and countryside.…

‘Fidel led working people to be changers of the world, not victims’

Vol. 84/No. 35 - September 7, 2020
Launching of the “Rectification” process in 1986, at Fidel Castro’s initiative, was a turning point in the Cuban Revolution. Working people answered the call to join volunteer brigades, like above, to build homes, clinics, schools and child care centers. The historic effort “remobilized and remoralized” working people, Mary-Alice Waters said.

The following talk by Mary-Alice Waters was given in response to an invitation to take part in an online Celebration of the Life of Fidel Castro Aug. 13. Waters is a member of the Socialist Workers Party National Committee and president of Pathfinder…

‘Building socialism is a voluntary task of free men and women’

Vol. 84/No. 24 - June 22, 2020
Faced with provocations and war threats from Washington in 1980 as struggles spread across Latin America and the Caribbean, including revolutions by workers and farmers in Nicaragua and Grenada, millions of working people mobilized across Cuba in defense of their revolution.

Cuba’s Internationalist Foreign Policy 1975-80 by Fidel Castro is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for June. Castro was the central leader of the Cuban Revolution that triumphed in 1959. Excerpted here is his 1980 “Speech to the Fighting…

Fidel: ‘Voluntary work was one of best things Che left us’

Vol. 84/No. 15 - April 20, 2020
Volunteer workers build new apartment building in Havana, January 1988. Fidel Castro said renewal of widespread voluntary labor, originally advocated by Che Guevara, achieved what state bureaucrats said was impossible — building 20,000 new housing units in the capital.

Che Guevara: Economics and Politics in the Transition to Socialism by Carlos Tablada is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for April. It was originally published in Cuba in 1987 as part of the rectification process initiated by Fidel…