Witch hunt against Trump, political rights continues

Vol. 85/No. 20 - May 24, 2021

Liberals — in Congress and media editorial offices — backed by local prosecutors, cops and more, continue to search for ways to silence and punish former President Donald Trump, his family and former administration allies, even though he left office…

SWP calls Int’l Active Workers Conference in Ohio July 22-24

Vol. 85/No. 19 - May 17, 2021

The Socialist Workers Party is hosting an International Active Workers Conference at Wittenberg University in Springfield, Ohio, July 22-24. Due to lockdown restrictions imposed by all levels of government since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the last time the…

Death penalty abolished in Virginia, victory for workers

Vol. 85/No. 16 - April 26, 2021

“There is no place for the death penalty in this commonwealth, in the South or in this nation,” Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam told the press as he signed a bill abolishing capital punishment March 24 in front of the Greensville…

Ten years since uprising, Syrian people face war, intervention

Vol. 85/No. 14 - April 12, 2021

For a decade now, working people in Syria have faced a social catastrophe since President Bashar al-Assad’s regime moved to crush a popular uprising for political rights in 2011. As civil war began, Washington and the rulers of Iran, Russia…

Cuban farmers, students expand support to medical centers

Vol. 85/No. 13 - April 5, 2021

Many farmers in Cuba are organizing to donate fresh produce to social institutions as part of the battle by the Cuban people and their revolutionary government against the COVID-19 pandemic and the U.S. rulers’ embargo. It’s a reaffirmation both of…

LA, NY protests hit deadly raids by Philippine gov’t

Vol. 85/No. 12 - March 29, 2021

LOS ANGELES — Sixty people participated in a spirited demonstration outside the Philippines Consulate here March 13, protesting the government’s cold-blooded killings of nine political and labor activists six days earlier. Actions took place elsewhere, including 50 people demonstrating at…

Farmers meet across India, plan to expand protests

Vol. 85/No. 9 - March 8, 2021
Farmers meet across India, plan to expand protests

Some 125,000 farmers and farmworkers gathered in a grain market in Barnala, in Punjab, India, Feb. 21 to discuss and protest three new laws enacted by the Indian government that threaten their livelihoods. The government’s laws would end state-backed minimum…

New Zealand rally: ‘No to military takeover in Myanmar’

Vol. 85/No. 7 - February 22, 2021
New Zealand rally: ‘No to military takeover in Myanmar’

AUCKLAND, New Zealand — “Military rule, down, down!” chanted 200 Burmese refugees, students and others here Feb. 5, protesting the Myanmar military’s ousting of the elected government and reimposition of direct rule four days earlier. Many wore the red shirts…

India farmers continue protests against new gov’t laws

Vol. 85/No. 6 - February 15, 2021

After a tractorcade of hundreds of thousands of farmers and their supporters wound its way through New Delhi, India’s capital, Jan. 26, the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi stepped up efforts to put an end to their monthslong protests…