1962 ‘missile’ crisis book tells story from Cuba’s side

Vol. 86/No. 35 - September 26, 2022

Pathfinder Press has released a 60th anniversary printing of October 1962: The ‘Missile’ Crisis as Seen from Cuba. The full story of that moment is told for the first time from the perspective of the Cuban people, whose determination to…

SWP leader discusses Constitution during trial against the FBI

Vol. 86/No. 33 - September 12, 2022
In 1786, Massachusetts farmers staged Shays’ Rebellion. Many, like their leader, Daniel Shays, were veterans of Revolutionary War. Their uprising opposed unfair tax burden imposed by new government. Such plebian revolts helped force addition of amendments, known as the Bill of Rights, that strengthened the Constitution and its protections against government intrusions.

Our book feature this week is FBI on Trial: The Victory in the Socialist Workers Party Suit Against Government Spying. Readers will find it of special interest in light of the latest assault on constitutional rights by the Biden administration…

‘Militant,’ books by revolutionaries popular at Grenada Day

Vol. 86/No. 32 - September 5, 2022

BROOKLYN — The Socialist Workers Party and Pathfinder books got a great political response at the Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique Day activities held here Aug. 21. The all-day festival draws hundreds of people, mostly Grenadians, who live in New…

Mass anti-Vietnam War protests changed face of US politics

Vol. 86/No. 31 - August 22, 2022
United Auto Workers contingent in May 5, 1971, mass demonstration in New York. Many workers, then some unions, became involved in fight against Washington’s war in Indochina.

One of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for August is Out Now! A Participant’s Account of the Movement in the U.S. Against the Vietnam War by Fred Halstead. Representing the Socialist Workers Party, Halstead helped lead the international protest movement.…

1969 ‘Cordobazo’ in Argentina posed working class taking power

Vol. 86/No. 30 - August 15, 2022
Workers’ uprising in Córdoba, Argentina, May 1969. Agustín Tosco, left in front, a leader of the “Cordobazo,” was a class-struggle-minded worker and secretary of energy workers union Luz y Fuerza (Light and Power). What was missing was a revolutionary party and leadership.

This special feature is from The Leninist Strategy of Party Building: The Debate on Guerrilla Warfare in Latin America by Joseph Hansen, a leader of the Socialist Workers Party, cited in last week’s article, “Argentine military officer found guilty for…

Constitution, Bill of Rights conquest of First American Revolution

Vol. 86/No. 28 - August 1, 2022
Delegates in Philadelphia, Sept. 17, 1787, submit Constitution for ratification by the states. American Revolution, revolts by farmers and other working people won Constitution, as well as Bill of Rights — 10 amendments that codified crucial protections for the working classes.

One of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for July is America’s Revolutionary Heritage: Marxist Essays by George Novack. A long-time leader of the Socialist Workers Party, he wrote a number of books on questions of Marxist politics and history. The…