Communist League in UK campaigns for party of labor

Vol. 88/No. 25 - July 8, 2024

LONDON — “Nothing fundamental will change for working people and youth whatever the outcome” of the July 4 general election, said Peter Clifford, Communist League candidate in the Manchester Rusholme constituency. He was responding to questions from Manchester University Students’…

UK election reveals depth of crisis facing the British rulers

Vol. 88/No. 23 - June 10, 2024
Peter Clifford, fourth from left, with fellow rail workers, joins picket line of striking nurses in Manchester, U.K., Jan. 23, 2023. Clifford is running as Communist League candidate in July 4 general election. CL says workers need a party of their own to lead fight to take political power.

LONDON — “I like that the Communist League says workers need our own party,” Hussein Mohammed, a member of the Rail, Maritime and Transport union in Manchester, told Peter Clifford. Clifford is the CL’s candidate in the Manchester Rusholme constituency…

Supermarket workers in UK strike over ‘toxic’ conditions

Vol. 88/No. 21 - May 27, 2024

LOWESTOFT, England — Some 175 workers struck the ASDA superstore in this small town 130 miles northeast of London May 10-11, the third strike in a campaign by General Municipal and Boilermakers union members against “toxic” conditions at the company.…

Farmers in UK protest rising production costs

Vol. 88/No. 15 - April 15, 2024
Farmers protest government policies March 25 in London.

LONDON — With signs reading “Stop killing farming” and “No farmers, no food, no future,” up to 100 tractors descended on Parliament Square here March 25. Organized by the recently established Fairness for Farmers of Kent, the protest was the…

Striking rail workers in UK: ‘Solidarity shows we’re not alone’

Vol. 88/No. 15 - April 15, 2024

MANCHESTER, England — Rail workers hired by contractor Carlisle Support Services who staff ticket gate lines for Northern Trains took their third day of strike action March 16 in a fight over two-tier pay, working conditions and for union recognition.…

Leeds students take stand against Jew-hatred in UK

Vol. 88/No. 15 - April 15, 2024

LEEDS, England — “Jewish students have had enough,” Emma Levy, president of the Jewish Society at the University of Leeds, told several hundred students at a “Stand Against Antisemitism” vigil here March 1. It was called in response to mounting…

Amazon warehouse workers in UK strike, rally for union recognition

Vol. 88/No. 14 - April 8, 2024
Workers rally at Amazon warehouse in Coventry, England, March 19, part of two-day strike to win union recognition. “Our fight has worldwide importance,” said Darren Westwood.

COVENTRY, England — Hundreds of Amazon workers picketed outside the large Amazon BHX4 warehouse here March 19, the first of two days of strike action organized by the General Municipal and Boilermakers union in their fight for union recognition.  They…

Moves to silence J.K. Rowling are attacks on women’s rights

Vol. 88/No. 13 - April 1, 2024
Protest at Scottish Parliament Feb. 9, 2023, over “transgender” men being put in women’s jail cells. Inset, J.K. Rowling faces “hate crime” charges over her support for ban on “all men — however they identify” in women’s spaces.

LONDON — TV personality India Willoughby asked police in Northumbria to arrest author J.K. Rowling for alleged “transphobia,” claiming that her online remarks were a “hate crime.” At stake for working people is the defense of crucial free speech rights,…

UK rail workers strike against two tiers, demand better pay

Vol. 88/No. 11 - March 18, 2024

MANCHESTER, England — “They say low pay. We say no way!” chanted rail workers outside the offices of Carlisle Support Services Feb. 21 during two days of strike action here. Earlier in the day more than 70 of them joined…