Gas workers in UK strike against boss moves to cut pay

Vol. 85/No. 6 - February 15, 2021

STOCKPORT, England — Striking gas workers in the U.K. have held 11 strike days beginning Jan. 7 through Feb. 1, standing up to bullying tactics by Centrica bosses seeking to impose pay cuts. The 7,500 workers, members of the GMB…

UK gas workers strike over pay cuts, work hours

Vol. 85/No. 4 - February 1, 2021

STOCKPORT, England — Striking gas workers organized picketing here and in other parts of the U.K. to stand up to threatened pay cuts by their bosses at Centrica, which owns British Gas. Some 7,500 British Gas workers who install and…

Liverpool DHL workers strike against low wages, harassment

Vol. 85/No. 2 - January 18, 2021

LIVERPOOL, England — With four days of effective strike action in December, 120 DHL warehouse distribution workers and drivers here are having an impact. They are determined to win a pay raise and push back company harassment and victimizations. On…

Workers in Scotland speak out against economic, health crisis

Vol. 85/No. 1 - January 4, 2021
Some 400 Edinburgh Royal Infirmary nurses march Aug. 18 demanding pay raise. Like working people elsewhere in U.K. they are looking for ways to resist assaults on their livelihoods.

GLASGOW, Scotland — Opposition parties turned on U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson after he told a Conservative Party meeting that the devolution of political powers from London to an assembly in Scotland had been a “disaster” and the “biggest mistake”…

Rolls-Royce jet engine workers strike to defend their jobs

Vol. 84/No. 51 - December 28, 2020

BARNOLDSWICK, England — “They have given us no choice but to fight,” Dennis Constable said Dec. 5 at the end of a rally and car caravan organized by Rolls-Royce jet engine workers and their union, Unite, in support of their…

Airport workers challenge boss demands for 25% wage cut

Vol. 84/No. 50 - December 21, 2020

LONDON — Engineers, firefighters and security workers employed by Heathrow Airport Ltd and members of the Unite union took part in a 24-hour walkout at Heathrow Airport Dec. 1 to protest wage cuts and threatened job cuts by the bosses.…

Rolls-Royce jet engine workers strike to stop job cuts

Vol. 84/No. 47 - November 30, 2020

BARNOLDSWICK, England — After being furloughed, prescribed a 10% wage cut and now facing 350 job losses, workers at jet engine maker Rolls-Royce here have had enough. Ninety-four percent voted for a strike called by their union, Unite, to oppose…

‘US hands off Cuba! End British complicity!’

Vol. 84/No. 46 - November 23, 2020
Dozens join action in London Nov. 7 demanding “Hands off Cuba.” Similar protest took place in Manchester.

LONDON — Dozens of people joined “Hands off Cuba” protests here and in Manchester Nov. 7, demanding a halt to Washington’s economic war against Cuba aimed at advancing its decadeslong effort to overturn the Cuban Revolution. In an attack on…

UK bosses go after workers while London-EU talks stall

Vol. 84/No. 43 - November 2, 2020
Nurses in London demonstrate Aug. 8 demanding pay raise. End of government pandemic benefits Oct. 31 means millions more workers face pay cuts, alongside rising joblessness.

LONDON — With the U.K.’s “transition” out of the European Union’s trading arrangements ending Dec. 31, talks between London and EU leaders in Brussels over a post-Brexit trade deal have hit the rocks.  Prime Minister Boris Johnson blames Brussels. The…

Workers in UK discuss how to fight gov’t, boss attacks on jobs

Vol. 84/No. 41 - October 19, 2020
Striking bookstore, cafeteria workers at Tate and Tate Modern Galleries in London, Aug. 28, protest bosses’ plans to cut 313 of their jobs. Claiming to end nonexistent “zombie jobs,” U.K. gov’t is dumping burden of shutdowns onto millions of workers to fend for themselves.

MANCHESTER, England — Announcing plans he called a “jobs protection and wages subsidy scheme,” Sept. 24, U.K. Chancellor Rishi Sunak laid out a program that will actually allow bosses to continue dumping the burden of a deepening economic and social…