Manchester drivers hit new fees on cabs

Vol. 84/No. 38 - September 28, 2020

MANCHESTER, England — “Yes, I took part in the protest,” Shahid Munawar, who has driven a cab here for 16 years, told members of the Communist League introducing the party and the Militant to those at the taxi line outside…

Train deaths in Scotland show boss scorn for safety

Vol. 84/No. 37 - September 21, 2020

STONEHAVEN, Scotland — “No one should lose their life at work,” Stonehaven resident Jim Cattanach told the Militant, after two rail workers and a passenger were killed when a train derailed here south of Aberdeen Aug. 12. A government cover-up…

Nurses protest across UK demanding higher wages

Vol. 84/No. 34 - August 31, 2020
Nurses protest across UK demanding higher wages

LONDON — “We’ve been quiet for too long,” Lana Bonas, a nurse at St. Thomas’ Hospital here, told the Militant  as she joined hundreds of other health workers marching to Downing Street to demand a pay raise. The action was…

London bans China’s Huawei, looks for trade bloc with US

Vol. 84/No. 33 - August 24, 2020

LONDON — In a reversal of its previous policy, the government in the U.K. banned mobile phone firms from buying parts from Chinese telecom giant Huawei beginning in 2021, and ordered those companies to eliminate all Huawei components from 5G networks…

First imperialist world war sped Britain’s decline, US rulers rise

Vol. 84/No. 18 - May 11, 2020
Transit workers march in Manchester, England, during 1926 British general strike. Leon Trotsky explains the rise of “unparalleled class battles” in the U.K. before and after first World War, as British imperialism declined in relation to its rivals in Berlin and especially Washington.

 Where Is Britain Going? by Leon Trotsky is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for May. Trotsky was a central leader of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution and the Communist International under V.I. Lenin. The book describes how the working…

UK workers stage walkouts to fight unsafe work conditions

Vol. 84/No. 14 - April 13, 2020
Workers at Tulip meat factory in U.K. held job action and workers at Linden Foods in Northern Ireland, above, walked out March 27 over bosses’ refusal to provide safe working conditions.

MANCHESTER, England — Workers at three meat and poultry plants in Northern Ireland have staged walkouts to protest bosses’ refusal to implement measures aimed at reducing the spread of coronavirus. Across the U.K., workers in food production, transport and other…

British gov’t debates impact of Huawei deal on US trade bloc

Vol. 84/No. 13 - April 6, 2020
Technician installs 5G network in South Korea. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has clashed with party members and Washington over decision to allow Huawei to put 5G in U.K.

LONDON — Prime Minister Boris Johnson has faced down a revolt by some Conservative Members of Parliament. They had opposed his January decision to approve involvement of the Chinese company Huawei in building the next generation of the U.K.’s 5G…

UK: Workers strike over low wages, multitier conditions

Vol. 84/No. 13 - April 6, 2020
Sanitation workers, members of Unite union on strike in south-east London, stop refuse truck March 18. Two-day walkout won sick pay. Workers are also demanding end to multitier wages.

LONDON — Seventy refuse workers picketed the Thames Road Serco waste disposal depot in Bexley, in south-east London, March 18. Unite union members were taking strike action against low wages, lack of sick pay and multitier wages and conditions. Truck…

London rally backs women’s rights in Sudan

Vol. 84/No. 12 - March 30, 2020
Chanting, “Women’s rights are human rights,” some 50 women and men and their supporters demonstrated outside the Sudanese Embassy here on International Women’s Day March 8,

LONDON — Chanting, “Women’s rights are human rights,” some 50 women and men and their supporters demonstrated outside the Sudanese Embassy here on International Women’s Day March 8, demanding the Sudanese government amend the country’s family law. “It means women…

UK: ‘Solidarity with protests by working people in Iran!’

Vol. 84/No. 7 - February 24, 2020
UK: ‘Solidarity with protests by working people in Iran!’

MANCHESTER, England — “Three times in two years, Iranian workers and students have taken to the streets to protest the government’s military intervention abroad and its attacks on living standards,” Pete Clifford, with megaphone, told passersby as he and Hugo…