Manchester rally backs anti-gov’t protests in Sudan

Vol. 83/No. 8 - February 25, 2019

MANCHESTER, England — Chanting “Freedom, peace and democracy,” “We support Sudan revolution,” and “Just fall, that’s all,” some 100 protesters gathered in Piccadilly Gardens here Feb. 3. They were mobilizing in support of demonstrations across Sudan that have continued since…

UK capitalist rulers ‘Brexit’ political crisis continues on

Vol. 83/No. 5 - February 4, 2019

MANCHESTER, England — A “Brexit-in-name-only” deal negotiated by the U.K. government with the European Union — two and a half years in the making — was overwhelmingly voted down in the House of Commons Jan. 15. This reflects the deep…

UK out of EU is best terrain for workers’ struggles there

Vol. 83/No. 1 - January 7, 2019
School cleaners, cooks, home-care workers, other local council workers in Glasgow, Scotland, on strike Oct. 23. The working-class struggle for emancipation in the U.K. can only be fought and won inside the capitalist nation-state there. U.K. workers and their allies in the countryside need to fight to establish a workers and farmers government.

MANCHESTER, England — The failed attempts by Prime Minister Theresa May’s Conservative government in the U.K. to strike a “withdrawal deal” with the European Union that can pass in the House of Commons has led to sharpening divisions and a…

Shipyard workers in Liverpool organize ‘rolling’ strike actions

Vol. 82/No. 48 - December 24, 2018

LIVERPOOL, England — Shipyard workers, members of the Unite and GMB unions, walked out of the Cammell Laird shipyard here Nov. 23 and began “rolling” strike actions. On Dec. 7 they decided to suspend the strikes for four weeks to…

‘UK out now!’ Brexit is best terrain for the workers to fight

Vol. 82/No. 46 - December 10, 2018

LONDON — Defying millions of working people who voted for Brexit, Prime Minister Theresa May is pursuing a “deal” — a 585-page opaque document — that will keep the U.K.’s capitalist rulers aligned with the protectionist bloc known as the…

Women workers in Glasgow lead battle to win equal pay

Vol. 82/No. 42 - November 12, 2018
During two-day strike for equal pay, local council workers in Glasgow, Scotland, mostly women, win support of fellow trade unionists Oct. 23. Male co-workers wouldn’t cross picket lines.

GLASGOW, Scotland — Chanting “What do we want? Equal pay. When do we want it? Now!” Some 8,000 workers, mainly women, marched here Oct. 23 on the first day of a two-day strike. School cleaners, cooks and teaching assistants, home-care…

Oppose the Jew-hatred of UK Labour Party leaders

Vol. 82/No. 41 - November 5, 2018
Oppose the Jew-hatred of UK Labour Party leaders

MANCHESTER, England — “Why is anti-Semitism such a big issue?” Manchester factory worker Adam Herring asked his co-worker, Communist League member Pete Clifford. His question about Jew-hatred in the leadership of the Labour Party is one that comes up often…

Brexit fight unfolds as capitalist competition tears away at EU

Vol. 82/No. 40 - October 29, 2018

LONDON — It has been two and a half years since a referendum on the U.K.’s membership in the European Union recorded a 17.4 million to 16.1 million majority for Brexit. Millions of workers took advantage of the ballot to…

UK Uber drivers strike 24 hours over pay, right to join union

Vol. 82/No. 40 - October 29, 2018
Uber workers in London march around company office Oct. 9 during 24-hour strike, demanding drivers be treated as workers, not contractors, with improved pay and right to join a union.

LONDON — Hundreds of angry drivers chanted “Shame on Uber” as they marched around the Aldgate office of Uber U.K. here Oct. 9. Noisy drumbeats accompanied the chanting. The action marked the beginning of a 24-hour strike by Uber drivers…