Cuba’s role in defeat of apartheid debated at UK meeting

South African forces ‘broke their teeth’ against Cuban and Angolan forces in battle of Cuito Cuanavale
Vol. 82/No. 15 - April 16, 2018

LONDON — Sharply conflicting assessments of the historic victory won by Cuban and Angolan forces over the apartheid South African army at the battle of Cuito Cuanavale in 1988 were presented at a daylong conference here March 23. The event,…

Cuban women leaders speak in NY about revolution’s gains

Vol. 82/No. 15 - April 16, 2018

NEW YORK — A March 16 meeting here featured leaders of the Federation of Cuban Women (FMC), the National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC) and the National Union of Cuban Jurists. The event, which drew more than…

Killing of Gaza protesters provokes debate in Israel

Vol. 82/No. 15 - April 16, 2018

Protest actions were held in Israel March 31 and April 1 against Israeli army attacks that killed at least 15 Palestinian demonstrators and wounded hundreds of Gaza Strip residents. They were marching on the border to challenge the Israeli blockade…

New York rally backs striking Spectrum cable workers

Vol. 82/No. 15 - April 16, 2018
Hundreds of workers rally March 28 in New York to back Spectrum cable workers, members of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, on strike for a year against concessions.

NEW YORK — Hundreds of workers rallied to back International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 3 members on strike against Charter Communications/Spectrum March 28 outside the company’s headquarters in midtown Manhattan. The spirited demonstration marked the one-year anniversary of the…

Port workers in New Zealand strike for safety, pay parity

Vol. 82/No. 15 - April 16, 2018

CHRISTCHURCH, New Zealand — Some 90 dockworkers marched through the port town of Lyttelton March 22, day two of a five-day strike for pay parity with other port workers and against changes to working hours by the Lyttelton Port Company.…

Protests spread against poisoning of air in Russia

Vol. 82/No. 15 - April 16, 2018

“We can’t stop protesting until the landfill is shut down,” Volokolamsk resident Alexander Lvov told the Moscow Times. People in this town of 23,000, about 80 miles from Moscow, have been demanding a halt to the use of the landfill…

Puerto Rico unionists resist attacks on working people

Vol. 82/No. 15 - April 16, 2018
Puerto Rico unionists resist attacks on working people

Unionists protest in San Juan March 26 against anti-worker measures pushed by Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló. His labor “reform” bill would over time cut sick and vacation days in half for private and public workers, lengthen probation for new…

Sacramento protest: ‘Prosecute cops who killed Stephon Clark!’

Vol. 82/No. 15 - April 16, 2018
March in Sacramento after funeral of Stephon Clark, who was shot and killed by cops March 18.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Hundreds packed into Bayside of South Sacramento Church here March 29 for the funeral of Stephon Clark, 22, an unarmed Black man gunned down by cops here March 18. So many people turned out to show solidarity…

Saudi crown prince tours US, promotes alliance against Tehran

Vol. 82/No. 15 - April 16, 2018

As part of efforts by the capitalist rulers in Washington, Saudi Arabia and Israel to cement a broader alliance against Tehran, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman began a three-week U.S. tour March 20. He is also seeking more…

SWP joins in teachers’ fight, introduces the Militant, books

Vol. 82/No. 15 - April 16, 2018

OKLAHOMA CITY — The Socialist Workers Party campaign to expand readership of the Militant and books on the communist program by party leaders takes place during a rising wave of school strikes and protests across the country. Thousands of teachers,…