Thousands come to Erbil book fair in Kurdistan

Vol. 82/No. 40 - October 29, 2018

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region, Iraq — The 13th Erbil International Book Fair opened here Oct. 10, with exhibitors from some 35 countries. Titles in English are much sought after, as many young Kurds are learning the language. On display is a…

Korea denuclearization talks in interests of working people

Vol. 82/No. 40 - October 29, 2018

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un announced they are planning a second summit meeting soon, marking progress in reaching agreement on a formal end to decades of Washington’s hostility to the North and denuclearization of the…

Montreal march hits gov’t plan to ban religious symbols

Vol. 82/No. 40 - October 29, 2018

MONTREAL — Several thousand people marched through the downtown streets here Oct. 7 protesting plans announced by the newly elected Coalition for the Future of Quebec (CAQ) to follow through on a campaign promise to ban the wearing of religious…

Join Socialist Workers Party 2018 Campaign!

Workers need to build their own party, a labor party
Vol. 82/No. 40 - October 29, 2018

Working people are living through times today we haven’t seen in our lifetimes. The working class remains at the center of politics in the U.S. as the 2018 midterm elections are less than three weeks away. Although no one can…

Join SWP in taking its campaign out to workers!

Vol. 82/No. 40 - October 29, 2018
Dan Fein, Socialist Workers Party candidate for Illinois governor, talks with Willie Norwood, right, in Kankakee. Bedrock of party’s campaigning is going door to door to talk with workers

The Militant calls on working people to join the Socialist Workers Party candidates campaigning up to the Nov. 6 elections. They are the only candidates who explain that working people need to break from the bosses’ political parties, the Democrats and…

Ky concrete workers strike over health care, two-tier

Vol. 82/No. 40 - October 29, 2018

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — “This strike isn’t really about wages. It’s about health insurance and being able to take care of your family,” Ed Sadler, head mechanic with 21 years at Allied Ready Mix, told the Militant as he picketed outside…

‘Working people need to organize, to build unions’

Vol. 82/No. 40 - October 29, 2018
Campaigning door to door in Woodhaven, Queens, in New York Oct. 14, Socialist Workers Party member Willie Cotton, right, speaks with an airport worker who had been involved in organizing a union at his workplace. He purchased The Clintons’ Anti-Working-Class Record, a Militant subscription, and said he wanted to talk more about unions and the party’s activities.

Supporters of the Socialist Workers Party and its candidates in the 2018 elections are campaigning on workers’ doorsteps all across the country, introducing them to the party, its program and perspectives, the Militant  and books by party leaders. They are…

UK Uber drivers strike 24 hours over pay, right to join union

Vol. 82/No. 40 - October 29, 2018
Uber workers in London march around company office Oct. 9 during 24-hour strike, demanding drivers be treated as workers, not contractors, with improved pay and right to join a union.

LONDON — Hundreds of angry drivers chanted “Shame on Uber” as they marched around the Aldgate office of Uber U.K. here Oct. 9. Noisy drumbeats accompanied the chanting. The action marked the beginning of a 24-hour strike by Uber drivers…

Striking Rhode Island bus drivers win union pension

Vol. 82/No. 40 - October 29, 2018

PROVIDENCE, R.I. — After 11 days on strike, members of Teamsters Local 251 voted Oct. 13 to ratify a new contract with First Student Inc., winning a union pension plan. This correspondent met several dozen of the striking school bus…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 82/No. 40 - October 29, 2018

November 1, 1993 Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa, recently surveyed more than 1,100 farm families in the state and identified close to a quarter as being in severe financial condition. One of the “luxuries” to go is health insurance.…