Primaries expose ongoing crisis wracking both capitalist parties

Vol. 82/No. 32 - August 27, 2018

The primary contests underway to select candidates for the two main capitalist parties contending in the November elections have been marked by the political crisis wracking both the Democrats and Republicans, a crisis that accelerated with Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential…

Protests hit Quebec festival move to shut musical revue

Vol. 82/No. 32 - August 27, 2018
Above, promotional image by Montreal Jazz Festival for production of “SLAV,” a musical program festival organizers canceled after protests claimed production was “cultural appropriation.” Director Robert Lepage, actors, singers, artists and workers in Quebec and beyond have opposed the censorship.

MONTREAL — Artists, performers, writers, political figures in Quebec and others are speaking out against a campaign here to censor the work of artists they accuse of “cultural appropriation.” “SLAV,” shown as part of the Montreal International Jazz Festival, is…

Parties like the SWP are ‘tribunes of the people’

Vol. 82/No. 32 - August 27, 2018

Below are excerpts from What Is to Be Done? by V.I. Lenin. It was published in March 1902 and discusses what kind of party is needed to lead the workers and farmers to overthrow the capitalist rulers and take political…

Argentine supporters of right to abortion say ‘we will win’

Vol. 82/No. 32 - August 27, 2018

After more than 16 hours of debate, with tens of thousands of protesters gathered outside on both sides of the issue, Argentina’s Senate Aug. 9 in a 38-31 vote defeated a bill that would have legalized abortion in the first…

TSA ‘Quiet Skies’ spy program targets passengers

Vol. 82/No. 32 - August 27, 2018

In a blatant attack on democratic rights and an individual’s right to privacy, the Transportation Security Administration has been running a secret spy program targeting thousands of passengers on U.S. domestic flights. The existence of this “Quiet Skies” surveillance program,…

US, EU rulers clash over trade, spending for NATO

Rancor reflects Washington’s new course as old imperialist ‘world order’ is coming apart
Vol. 82/No. 32 - August 27, 2018
Donald Trump and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker talk to press July 25.

President Donald Trump and Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, met at the White House July 25 and announced they had reached a “truce” in imposing protectionist tariffs between Washington and the Berlin-led EU trading bloc. In these conflicts…

Support grows for fight to jail cop who killed Antwon Rose

Vol. 82/No. 32 - August 27, 2018

PITTSBURGH — Michael Rosfeld, the East Pittsburgh cop charged with criminal homicide for shooting and killing Antwon Rose Jr. June 19, waived his right to appear at a preliminary hearing. Protesters demanding justice in the killing had announced plans to…

NY forum takes up crisis facing workers, farmers in Nicaragua

FSLN government has no continuity with 1979 revolution
Vol. 82/No. 31 - August 20, 2018
Peasants celebrate land reform, Santo Tomás, Nicaragua, Dec. 11, 1983. In early years of revolution FSLN responded to peasants fight for land. But over next few years reversed themselves, promising “patriotic” landlords their property would be protected and land reform was dead.

NEW YORK — Although Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega still drapes himself in the symbols of the 1979 Sandinista Revolution, the government he heads is a capitalist government, Socialist Workers Party leader Róger Calero told participants at the Militant Labor Forum…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 82/No. 31 - August 20, 2018

August 23, 1993 PERCY, Illinois — On July 27 another 1,000 miners joined the United Mine Workers of America strike for a contract. This was the eighth expansion of the national coal strike, which began May 10. There are now…

Locked-out Quebec aluminum workers win solidarity

Vol. 82/No. 31 - August 20, 2018

“The company thought they could make us come crawling back on our knees. That will never happen,” Patrick Rochette, a member of United Steelworkers Local 9700, told Communist League candidate Beverly Bernardo and campaign supporters on the picket line at…