NY Forum: ‘Sankara spoke for oppressed and exploited’

Vol. 82/No. 12 - March 26, 2018

NEW YORK — “Thomas Sankara spoke for the oppressed and exploited, and against the imperialist world order, which he showed can be fought and explained must be replaced,” Socialist Workers Party speaker Peter Thierjung told some 40 participants at a…

Ky. teachers fight threat of government pension cuts

Vol. 82/No. 12 - March 26, 2018

Following the example of school workers in West Virginia, over a 1,000 teachers, retirees, other public workers and their supporters crowded the state Capitol in Frankfort, Kentucky, March 12, protesting a bill brought before the state Senate that would slash…

Mass march for abortion rights in Argentina March 8

Vol. 82/No. 12 - March 26, 2018
Mass march for abortion rights in Argentina March 8

Hundreds of thousands marched in Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 8, International Women’s Day, to demand the right of women to choose abortion. The march was organized by the National Campaign for the Right to Safe, Legal and Free Abortion, a…

Appalachia telecom workers strike against Frontier

Vol. 82/No. 12 - March 26, 2018
Appalachia telecom workers strike against Frontier

MARTINSBURG, W.Va. — Some 1,400 members of the Communications Workers of America have been walking the picket line here, across the state and in Ashburn, Virginia, since March 4, after 10 months of negotiations for a new contract between the…

Kurds worldwide protest against Ankara’s assault on Afrin

Vol. 82/No. 12 - March 26, 2018

Thousands of people responded around the world to calls for protests against the Turkish government’s bombing and invasion of the Kurdish province of Afrin, in Syria, March 11 and 12. Actions took place in Rennes, France, left, and dozens of…

West Virginia school workers win strike!

Unity, solidarity show power of working class
Vol. 82/No. 11 - March 19, 2018
Woodsdale Elementary teachers, Wheeling, West Virginia, celebrate strike victory March 6.

PUTNAM COUNTY, W.Va. — “I think this will start a movement across the country of working people rising up,” Phillip Eastep, a steelworker in Huntington, told Socialist Workers Party members when we joined him picketing with school bus workers outside…

Washington, Pyongyang move toward nuclear talks

Vol. 82/No. 11 - March 19, 2018

“The North Korean side clearly stated its willingness to denuclearize,” South Korean government officials said after meeting with Kim Jong Un, central leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, March 6. “It made it clear that it would have…

See Cuba’s revolution on May Day Brigade!

Vol. 82/No. 11 - March 19, 2018

Despite the lies and slanders against Cuba and its socialist revolution that fill the boss press in the U.S., more and more workers, farmers and youth are becoming interested in learning what’s different there. We know from our own lives…

As Syrian rulers devastate Ghouta, US rulers aim to hold on in Syria

Vol. 82/No. 11 - March 19, 2018

The Bashar al-Assad regime is stepping up its murderous air and ground assault on the heavily populated eastern Ghouta suburb of Damascus. The dictatorial regime has laid siege to the 400,000 people there for five years, creating shortages of food…

‘Cuban Revolution opened road for people to think for themselves’

Vol. 82/No. 11 - March 19, 2018
Griselda Aguilera, left at age 7 in 1961, hands literacy certificate to worker she taught to read and write. Aguilera spoke about literacy campaign and Cuban Revolution to hundreds on college campuses, churches and union halls during recent U.S. tour.

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — “Our revolution opened the road for people to advance, to think for themselves, to have access to more information,” Cuban revolutionary Griselda Aguilera told some 30 students, professors and others at a Feb. 19 meeting at the…