25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 82/No. 10 - March 12, 2018

March March 12, 1993 BOONVILLE, Indiana — The strike by the United Mine Workers of America against Peabody Coal entered its fourth week with the company bringing busloads of scabs across UMWA picket lines at the Lynnville and Squaw Creek…

Social solidarity is ‘moral foundation of Cuban Revolution’

Vol. 82/No. 10 - March 12, 2018

Below is an excerpt from Marianas in Combat; the Spanish edition is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for March. In it Teté Puebla tells her story to Mary-Alice Waters, president of Pathfinder Press. Puebla joined Cuba’s revolutionary struggle…

Tel Aviv protest: Stop deportation of African refugees

Vol. 82/No. 10 - March 12, 2018
Tel Aviv protest: Stop deportation of African refugees

Some 20,000 people took to the streets in south Tel Aviv Feb. 24 to protest against plans to arrest and deport thousands of Sudanese and Eritrean refugees. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has sought to pit Israeli workers against the asylum-seekers,…

Court reinstates frame-up charges in Amtrak crash

Vol. 82/No. 10 - March 12, 2018

Common Pleas Court Judge Kathryn Lewis reinstated criminal charges Feb. 6 against Brandon Bostian, the engineer who was driving Amtrak Train 188 that crashed May 12, 2015, in Philadelphia. Eight people died and 200 were injured when the Washington-to-New York…

New evidence shows Meek Mill railroaded to prison

Vol. 82/No. 10 - March 12, 2018

PHILADELPHIA — In the face of a spate of new evidence that rap artist Meek Mill was framed up, Common Pleas Court Judge Genece Brinkley has set an April 16 hearing that could overturn his 2008 conviction for drug and…

US rulers’ Afghan war drags on amid ‘great power competition’

Vol. 82/No. 10 - March 12, 2018

Determined to advance their political and military interests in Asia, the U.S. rulers are increasing airstrikes in Afghanistan. Washington hopes to preserve the weak Afghan government and both contain recent gains by the Taliban and force negotiations with them. Begun…

Ukraine miners fight bosses, government over back pay

Vol. 82/No. 10 - March 12, 2018

Coal miners and their families in Novogrodivka, in part of Donetsk province outside Moscow-backed separatist control, rallied outside the bosses’ office there Feb. 14, blocking entrance to the building. The workers demanded payment of wages owed to them. When they…

Conflicts heat up in Syria as US, rivals push interests


The multifront conflicts in Syria being fought by rival capitalist powers in the region — alongside intervention from Moscow and the imperialist rulers in Washington — continue to take a horrific toll on working people there. As each of these…

Demand amnesty for immigrant workers!

Propertied rulers debate who to let in, keep out
Sept. 10 Omaha, Nebraska, protest. Socialist Workers Party says Amnesty for all immigrants!

Democratic and some Republican senators on the one side and President Donald Trump on the other are blaming each other for the failure to pass legislation that would block the deportation of thousands of immigrant “dreamers” who came to the…