‘Yellow vest’ protests force gov’t concessions

Actions show need for unity of workers, rural poor
Vol. 83/No. 1 - January 7, 2019
Dec. 15 yellow vest protest in Lyons, France, part of nationwide actions. “I never thought we’d be doing this,” bus driver Sylvie Orquin told Militant at traffic circle protest in Normandy.

FORGES-LES-EAUX, Normandy, France — “Yellow vest” demonstrations across France were smaller on Saturday, Dec. 15 after further government concessions. President Emmanuel Macron is hoping this, combined with massive police deployments, will put an end to the nationwide protests by workers…

‘What does Cuba teach? That revolution is possible’

Fidel Castro presents ‘Second Declaration of Havana’ to over a million people in the capital Feb. 4, 1962
Vol. 83/No. 1 - January 7, 2019
People in Colón, Cuba, greet Fidel Castro, above left, Jan. 7, 1959, as “Liberty Caravan” went to Havana. Castro led Rebel Army, Cuban workers and farmers to victory, then led millions to carry out, defend socialist revolution.

On the 60th anniversary of the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, the Militant is reprinting excerpts from The Second Declaration of Havana. This manifesto was presented by Fidel Castro, the central leader of the revolution, to over 1 million people…