SWP campaigns among coal miners, workers in Kentucky

‘We need to break with the Democrats, Republicans’
Vol. 83/No. 27 - July 29, 2019
From left, Samir Hazboun, SWP candidate for Kentucky lieutenant governor, and Alyson Kennedy, SWP presidential candidate in 2016 and former coal miner, talk with Lita Melton, retired union miner James Melton, and farmer Jessica Ison at Whitesburg farmers market July 13.

HAZARD, Ky. — “The threats and sanctions against Iran and the wars the wealthy capitalist rulers carry out abroad are an extension of their exploitation and abuse of working people here in the U.S.,” Socialist Workers Party leader Alyson Kennedy…

‘Fight for amnesty for immigrants in the US!’

Vol. 83/No. 27 - July 29, 2019

The following statement by Lea Sherman, Socialist Workers Party candidate for New Jersey General Assembly, was released July 17. The New York Times  July 13 ran an editorial — “All Presidents Are Deporters in Chief” — admitting what the Socialist…

SWP calls for workers control of production, safety at PG&E

Vol. 83/No. 27 - July 29, 2019
“PG&E management’s sole concern is maximizing profits for its shareholders,” said SWP candidate for San Francisco mayor Joel Britton at July 9 hearing on company’s demand for rate increase. He called “for nationalization of PG&E and running it under workers control.”

SAN FRANCISCO — Joel Britton, Socialist Workers Party candidate for mayor of San Francisco, was the first speaker at a public hearing here July 9 sponsored by Pacific Gas & Electric Company and the California Public Utilities Commission, the state…

2020 election debates show crisis of bosses twin parties

Vol. 83/No. 26 - July 22, 2019

The televised debates unfolding between the two dozen Democrats jostling to become the party’s presidential candidate take place amid a yearslong political crisis unfolding among the parties of the U.S. capitalist ruling families. They fear that sooner or later their…

Airport, catering workers say, ‘One job should be enough!’

Vol. 83/No. 26 - July 22, 2019
Chanting “One job should be enough!” airport workers as well as Sky Chef and Gate Gourmet workers picket together at San Francisco International Airport for higher wages, new contracts.

SAN FRANCISCO — Airport workers who are members of United Service Workers West, part of the Service Employees International Union, joined forces here July 3 with LSG Sky Chefs and Gate Gourmet catering workers — members of UNITE HERE Local…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 83/No. 26 - July 22, 2019

July 25, 1994 The massive gay rights demonstration in New York June 26 struck a blow against the right-wing assault on gay rights. It was a boost for the working class and all defenders of civil liberties and democratic rights.…

Join fight against prison censorship!

Vol. 83/No. 26 - July 22, 2019

The Militant is fighting for the right of workers behind bars to read the Militant and other books and publications they choose in two of the 21 states where we have prison subscribers — Florida and Kansas. We’re asking our…

‘Mandela pays tribute to Cuba’s internationalist fighters’

Vol. 83/No. 26 - July 22, 2019
In 1988 revolutionary Cuba sent tens of thousands of volunteer combatants and its best military equipment to help seal the defeat of the long-standing South African apartheid invasion of Angola. Above, all-women antiaircaft gun units that helped beat back South African air force.

The Spanish edition of Cuba & Angola: Fighting for Africa’s Freedom and Our Own by Fidel Castro, Raúl Castro, Nelson Mandela and others is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for July. The talk by Fidel Castro below, was…

50,000 New Zealand teachers shut the schools down, win higher pay

Vol. 83/No. 26 - July 22, 2019

AUCKLAND, New Zealand — After flexing their muscles in a national strike at the end of May, New Zealand teachers at government-run primary and secondary schools voted to approve a new three-year contract that included pay increases of 3 percent…

Ethiopian Israelis fight police brutality, racism

Vol. 83/No. 26 - July 22, 2019
Ethiopian Israelis and supporters block one of Tel Aviv’s main roadways in Israel July 2, protesting cop shooting of 19-year-old Solomon Tekah. Protests won solidarity from working people.

Thousands of Ethiopian Israelis have taken to the streets across Israel since June 30, when an off-duty cop shot and killed unarmed 19-year-old Solomon Tekah in Haifa. “Since I’m 13, I’ve been beaten by cops,” Aviel, 19, told Haaretz at…