Join Socialist Workers Party campaign!

Vol. 85/ No. 39 - October 25, 2021

Statement by Joanne Kuniansky, Socialist Workers Party candidate for New Jersey governor, Oct. 13. In the three weeks left before the 2021 elections, Socialist Workers Party candidates will present a program for the working class to defend our interests and…

John Deere workers reject contract, set strike

Vol. 85/ No. 39 - October 25, 2021

By a 90% margin, over 10,000 United Auto Workers union members at more than a dozen John Deere plants in Iowa, Illinois and Kansas rejected a contract the agricultural-implements company bosses and union officials had agreed on. The union set…

Louisville forum: ‘SWP is on its way to Cincinnati!’

Vol. 85/ No. 39 - October 25, 2021
Maggie Trowe, at podium, Socialist Workers Party candidate for mayor of Louisville, Kentucky, and Anthony Dutrow, right, member of the SWP National Committee, talk about political opportunities ahead as SWP members move to Cincinnati, at Oct. 2 Militant Labor Forum.

LOUISVILLE, Kentucky — At a special Militant Labor Forum here Oct. 2, the Socialist Workers Party announced its members in Louisville were moving to Cincinnati to take advantage of opportunities to deepen their involvement in the labor movement and build…

Stalinist coup killed Maurice Bishop, Grenada Revolution

Vol. 85/ No. 39 - October 25, 2021
Maurice Bishop and Fidel Castro at 1980 May Day rally in Cuba. Castro said Grenada Revolution was ”a true symbol of independence and progress in the Caribbean” worthy of support.

To commemorate the 1979-83 Grenada Revolution, which was overthrown by a Stalinist coup led by Bernard Coard in October 1983, we are running excerpts from “The Second Assassination of Maurice Bishop” by Steve Clark, a leader of the Socialist Workers…

Workers increasingly turn to our unions to fight assaults by bosses

Vol. 85/ No. 39 - October 25, 2021
Striking health care workers picket at Mercy Hospital in Buffalo, New York, Oct. 12, on day 12 of their strike for safe staffing, higher wages, especially for lowest-paid workers.

More workers are walking picket lines and using their unions to resist the bosses’ drive to overturn gains won in previous struggles and push for yet more concessions on wages, schedules and working conditions. Building support for each of these…

Kellogg strike is in the interest of all workers!

Bakery workers: ‘Equal pay for equal work’
Vol. 85/ No. 39 - October 25, 2021
Support rally Oct. 13 at BCTGM picket line at Kellogg’s plant in Memphis, Tennessee. Union is fighting bosses’ push to force permanent two-tier lower wages and benefits on new hires.

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Just after midnight Oct. 4 nearly 300 members of Local 252G of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union walked out at Kellogg’s plant here. Some 1,400 workers are on strike nationwide at the…

Cereal maintenance workers in UK fight wage cuts

Vol. 85/ No. 39 - October 25, 2021

BURTON LATIMER, England — Maintenance engineers at Weetabix breakfast cereal manufacturing plants are fighting attacks on their schedules and wages. Members of the Unite union just concluded the third of 11 planned weekly two-day work stoppages Oct. 6. “The company…

Michigan auto-parts workers strike, win UAW union

Vol. 85/ No. 39 - October 25, 2021

Some 340 workers won union recognition for the United Auto Workers after a weeklong strike in September at auto-parts supplier ZF International at its Marysville, Michigan, plant. The axle factory was previously owned by Fiat Chrysler and had been under…