In blow to rights, Ukraine upholds ban on Communist Party

Vol. 86/No. 27 - July 25, 2022

In a serious blow to political rights, a Ukrainian administrative court in Lviv July 5 upheld the government’s longstanding ban on the Communist Party and the Happy Ukraine Party. Both were among the 11 parties ordered shut down by President…

Pathfinder books draw interest at American Library conference

Vol. 86/No. 27 - July 25, 2022

WASHINGTON — Pathfinder Press sales volunteers came from seven cities and towns across North America to staff the Pathfinder booth here at the first in-person American Library Association conference in three years. Almost 14,000 attended the June 24-27 event. The…

Protests hit Russian-occupied Mariupol over lack of water

Vol. 86/No. 27 - July 25, 2022

People living in the largely devastated outskirts of the Russian-occupied city of Mariupol erupted in a substantial protest July 8 after two pensioners died in the street trying to find drinking water. A meeting at a school in the Volonterivka…

UAW workers at Case strike for better pay, safer conditions

Vol. 86/No. 27 - July 25, 2022
United Auto Workers picket Case New Holland plant in Burlington, Iowa, May 3. Some 430 union members there and 600 in Sturtevant, Wisconsin, are on strike for wages that keep up with inflation and against onerous schedules that tear at workers’ lives and their families.

BY NAOMI CRAINE, JOHN HAWKINS, AND LEROY WATSON BURLINGTON, Iowa —“We’re fighting for wages that will keep up with inflation, and better retirement benefits. And they don’t want to give that to us,” said Gary Binder, a worker at Case…

Back Ukraine independence! Moscow’s troops out now!

Working people in Russia find ways to oppose invasion
Vol. 86/No. 27 - July 25, 2022
Russian students wore green sashes for high school graduation to show opposition to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Dressed in black, they used peace sign in place of “0” in date. Those who saw them on street “thanked us for our position.” One said he was proud of us, they reported.

Despite significant troop losses and festering disquiet at home, Moscow continues to press its war aimed at conquering Ukraine and crushing its decadeslong battle for independence. While facing resistance in occupied areas (see article on Mariupol protest), Russian forces have…

Constitutional right to freedom of worship is upheld by court

Vol. 86/No. 27 - July 25, 2022
Blaine amendments, laws targeting state government aid to Catholic schools, were adopted during rise of anti-immigrant, anti-Catholic bigotry in the 19th century. They are still on books in 37 states. Drawing from 1871 depicts Catholic bishops as crocodiles looking to gobble up American schoolchildren.

Two recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions protecting the constitutional right to freedom of worship are good for working people. At the same time, these rulings are attacked by liberals as reactionary and as a further reason why Democrats must win…

Defend Ukraine independence! Get Moscow’s troops out now!

Vol. 86/No. 26 - July 18, 2022

Moscow’s invading forces captured Lysychansk, the last city in Luhansk province held by Ukrainian forces, July 3, after weeks of grinding but costly battles. The Russian forces used their wide edge in artillery and missiles to carry out systematic and…

Lessons from past union battles point road forward

Vol. 86/No. 26 - July 18, 2022

Miners forced on strike for over a year at Warrior Met Coal in Alabama, and other workers across North America, are standing up to the employers’ assault on our wages, and fighting for schedules that allow for a family life…