Cuban Embassy official speaks in L.A., protests US gov’t sanctions

Vol. 87/No. 18 - May 8, 2023
Deputy Chief of Cuban Embassy Alejandro García speaks at Machinists union hall in L.A. April 18. Meeting called for end to U.S. embargo, getting Cuba off “state sponsor of terrorism” list.

LOS ANGELES — Alejandro García del Toro, deputy chief of the Cuban Embassy in Washington, D.C., and Javier Levy Hernández, a first secretary there, spoke to a community meeting of 75 people at the International Association of Machinists union hall…

The low point of labor resistance is behind us

Vol. 87/No. 18 - May 8, 2023

Below are excerpts from the preface to The Low Point of Labor Resistance Is Behind Us: The Socialist Workers Party Looks Forward by SWP leader Mary-Alice Waters. Copyright © 2023 by Pathfinder Press. Reprinted by permission. The articles and documents…

Solidarity with workers in flood-hit California town

Vol. 87/No. 18 - May 8, 2023

PAJARO, Calif. — There has been an outpouring of solidarity for workers whose homes were flooded here when a levee broke March 11. Some 200 volunteers turned out April 15 to help flood victims clean up mud, rip out water…

Oil workers in Iran strike for better wages, schedules

Vol. 87/No. 18 - May 8, 2023

Contract oil workers went on strike in Iran April 15, demanding a 79% wage increase. And instead of working a debilitating 24 days on with six days off schedule, they are demanding a more humane 20 days of work followed…

Socialist Workers Party gets a response at L.A. book fair

Vol. 87/No. 18 - May 8, 2023
Visitors to Pathfinder booth at Festival of Books in Los Angeles April 22-23 bought 235 books, 86 Militant subscriptions. Laura Garza, left, talks with Sam Frank, right, and Evelyn Holman.

LOS ANGELES — Hundreds poured up to the Pathfinder booth at the April 22-23 Festival of Books held on the University of Southern California campus here. Participants had a hunger to discuss, debate and find a road forward in the…

Back public workers on strike all across Canada

Workers fighting for pay raise to offset inflation
Vol. 87/No. 18 - May 8, 2023
Members of Agriculture Union in Public Service Alliance of Canada picket Port of Montreal April 24, part of strike by 155,000 Canadian federal government workers.

MONTREAL — In one of the largest labor actions in Canada in decades, more than 155,000 federal government workers, members of the Public Service Alliance of Canada, set up picket lines from one end of the country to the other…


Vol. 87/No. 18 - May 8, 2023

In Militant  issue no. 17, the headline on page 6 was misspelled. It should have read “Back Ukraine independence fight!”