Working class must lead fight to end Jew-hatred

Vol. 87/No. 43 - November 20, 2023

Statement by Alyson Kennedy, Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. Senate from Texas, Nov. 8. In the imperialist era Jew-hatred, which has existed for millennia, becomes an essential tool for the ruling capitalist class to maintain power as working-class struggles…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 87/No. 43 - November 20, 2023

November 23, 1998 MONTREAL — During the first week of their speaking tour in Canada that started November 1, two young Cubans, Juan Carlos Frómeta and Raiza Rodríguez, met with more than 200 students on campuses here, and 50 delegates…

Israel and Ukraine: Two fronts for the working class

Vol. 87/No. 43 - November 20, 2023

There have been two sharp and significant watershed moments in the class struggle that, one after the other, have changed the world. The first was Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine, met by the determination of Ukrainian working people to defeat their…

Chicago union takes solidarity to Tennessee BCTGM strike

Vol. 87/No. 43 - November 20, 2023

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Seven members of Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers Local 1 from Chicago drove here Nov. 3 to reinforce fellow BCTGM Local 390G members on strike against International Flavors and Fragrances. Almost 200 union members walked…

Working people face blows from today’s unfolding crisis of capitalism

Vol. 87/No. 43 - November 20, 2023

The Biden administration and its boosters in the liberal capitalist media keep trying to puff up the U.S. economy as improving, thanks to “Bidenomics.” They point to some official government statistics, claiming gross domestic product rose 4.9% in the third-quarter,…