SWP campaigns on program to counter economic crisis

Vol. 87/No. 29 - August 7, 2023

What can working people do to defend ourselves from the bosses who continue to push the economic crisis of their system onto our backs? Strikes and other battles by thousands of union members are underway to win better wages and…

Teamster ‘practice pickets’ prepare for national strike

UPS breaks off talks as July 31 deadline looms
Vol. 87/No. 28 - July 31, 2023
UPS workers at “practice strike picket” outside depot in Fremont, California, July 18. Thousands of Teamster members have joined similar actions outside UPS facilities around the country.

PHILADELPHIA — Teamsters at UPS held two “practice pickets” here July 13, part of similar actions across the country in preparation for a potential strike at the end of the month. The package delivery outfit is the largest unionized private…

What is road forward in the Middle East?

Vol. 87/No. 28 - July 31, 2023

The spread of terrorist attacks against Jews in Israel and the West Bank by supporters of Hamas and Islamic Jihad — backed by the bourgeois-clerical regime in Iran — along with thuggish actions by rightists among Israeli settlers against Palestinians…

Biden’s witch hunt against Trump attacks political rights

Vol. 87/No. 28 - July 31, 2023

The ever-expanding number of “investigations” and charges being filed against Donald Trump is unparalleled. This highly partisan operation against the likely nominee of one of the bosses’ two main parties is being carried out by President Joseph Biden, Trump’s likely…

Back Ukraine’s fight to defend its sovereignty

Vol. 87/No. 28 - July 31, 2023

The Ukrainian counteroffensive aimed at turning back Moscow’s invasion is “a bit disappointing,” complained retired U.S. Marine Col. Mark Cancian on NPR June 24. His remarks were typical of recent comments by the military brass and officials of President Joseph…

160,000 actors join Writers Guild in nationwide strike

Vol. 87/No. 28 - July 31, 2023
Some 160,000 members of Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists went on strike July 13, joining Writers Guild of America members who struck May 2.

LOS ANGELES — A spirited picket of 300 actors and writers carried signs and chanted outside Netflix’s office here July 17. Daily protests are being held outside major studios across Southern California, the heart of the movie industry. Actions are…

Delta workers march in Minneapolis, fight for a union

Vol. 87/No. 28 - July 31, 2023
Rally at Minneapolis-St. Paul airport July 14 organized by Delta Air Lines workers fighting for union representation for ramp workers, flight attendants and mechanics who work there.

MINNEAPOLIS — A rally was held on July 14 at Minneapolis-St. Paul airport by Delta Air Lines workers in a number of crafts fighting for a union. The action was organized by a coalition of ramp workers wanting to be…

Casino workers in Quebec on strike for higher wages

Vol. 87/No. 28 - July 31, 2023

MONTREAL — Some 1,700 workers at four casinos and gaming halls owned by the government corporation Lotto Quebec have been on strike since June 23 across the province. The strikers, members of the Confederation of National Trade Unions (CSN), work…

Steelworkers strike over wages, workers’ deaths in Ontario

Vol. 87/No. 28 - July 31, 2023

HAMILTON, Ontario — Some 1,450 members of United Steelworkers Local 7135 went on strike here June 29 against National Steel Car, a major railroad freight car manufacturer in Canada. A wage increase that covers inflation and the dangerous working conditions…