Association of the Blind draws interest at Havana book fair

Vol. 87/No. 13 - April 3, 2023

HAVANA — One of the most interesting and lively stands at this year’s Havana International Book Fair, held in February, was organized by Cuba’s National Association of the Blind (ANCI).  The association regularly has a stand here, at Cuba’s largest…

Disabled workers force regime in Iran to pay up

Vol. 87/No. 13 - April 3, 2023
Disabled workers force regime in Iran to pay up

Workers with disabilities in Iran won a victory this month when the government finally deposited funds in the bank for their welfare payments and supplies, as well as what it owed to rehabilitation centers, including for physical therapy and wages…

Fight for working people to control derailment cleanup

Jeep caravan shows support for East Palestine
Vol. 87/No. 13 - April 3, 2023
Jacob Tate and family came from Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, to join Jeep caravan in East Palestine March 18 to back fight of residents to win control of cleanup, rebuilding after toxic derailment.

EAST PALESTINE, Ohio — Throngs of residents here lined Market Street March 18 to cheer the “Jeep Invasion” into this small town. The caravan was organized to help working people and small-business owners recover from the disastrous Feb. 3 Norfolk…

NY meeting: ‘End the US economic war against Cuba!’

Vol. 87/No. 13 - April 3, 2023
March 11 rally at Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz Center in Harlem was part of two-day U.S.-Cuba Normalization Conference to build fight to end Washington’s punishing embargo.

NEW YORK — “Fidel Castro used to tell us, ‘If we had given in just once to the demands of the imperialists, the Cuban Revolution would not exist today. What has stayed their hand is the heroism of our people…

Join ‘Militant’ to extend reach of paper, books, $165,000 fund

Vol. 87/No. 13 - April 3, 2023

The international campaign to expand the reach of the Militant — by getting 1,350 subscriptions, selling 1,350 books by Socialist Workers Party and other revolutionary leaders, and raising $165,000 — has gotten off to a good start. When Alyson Kennedy,…

Defend Ukraine independence!
Demand Moscow’s troops out now

Vol. 87/No. 13 - April 3, 2023
Crimean Tatars, the indigenous people there, protest Feb. 26, 2014, six days after Moscow used its troops to seize the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine. After the Kremlin tightened its repressive grip last year, Putin stopped there March 18 to try to legitimize annexation.

After a year of waging a near-genocidal war against the Ukrainian people, Russian President Vladimir Putin is trying to put a facade of legitimacy on his regime’s seizure of almost a fifth of the country. He went to Moscow-occupied areas…

Los Angeles school workers, teachers rally for new contract

Vol. 87/No. 13 - April 3, 2023

LOS ANGELES — Thousands of public school workers held a spirited rally here March 15 outside City Hall to demand the Los Angeles Unified School District negotiate a new contract. The rally was organized by Service Employees International Union Local…

Vol. 87/No. 13 - April 3, 2023