‘Build solidarity with Boeing, port strikers!’

‘Workers need to build a party of labor to fight for political power!’
Vol. 88/No. 38 - October 14, 2024
Rachele Fruit, SWP candidate for president, left, joins picket by postal workers in Eagan, Minnesota, part of nationwide day of protests by American Postal Workers Union Oct. 1.

Fruit: ‘Two strikes on the front line of class struggle’ UNION CITY, N.J. — “Fuel prices are so high that truckers see little income and farmers get even less from what they produce,” Paul de Leon, a truck driver from…

Automotive-parts workers at BorgWarner win better contract

Vol. 88/No. 38 - October 14, 2024

After a two-week strike, auto parts workers at BorgWarner in Lansing, New York, overwhelmingly voted up an improved contract offer Sept. 21. The over 700 members of Teamsters Local 317 voted 539-60 to accept a four-year agreement that increased wages…

Nurses in Sydney press fight for wage increase, more staff

Vol. 88/No. 38 - October 14, 2024
More than 10,000 nurses and midwives march outside New South Wales state Parliament in Sydney, Australia, Sept. 24, part of one-day strike for an immediate 15% wage raise.

SYDNEY — Nurses and midwives in New South Wales public hospitals went on a 24-hour strike Sept. 24 as they stepped up their campaign for a new union contract, including an immediate 15% wage increase. Over 10,000 marched and rallied…

Union organizes solidarity with strikers at Best Theratronics

Vol. 88/No. 38 - October 14, 2024

KANATA, Ontario — More than 40 Unifor Local 1541 members at Best Theratronics, a nuclear facility that manufactures medical equipment here, have been on strike since May 1. A key issue is higher wages. Union members rejected an offer by…


Vol. 88/No. 38 - October 14, 2024

Postal worker: ‘Thanks!’ As a member of the American Postal Workers Union, I want to extend my sincere gratitude to the Militant for carrying a notice about our National Day of Action on Oct. 1. Aside from the sales associates…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 88/No. 38 - October 14, 2024

October 18, 1999 Working people and all supporters of democratic rights have an obligation to speak out in defense of free speech and against censorship, in face of New York City Hall’s threat to cut funding and take other punitive…

Hong Kong imprisons journalists for sedition

Vol. 88/No. 38 - October 14, 2024

On Sept. 26 two editors became the first journalists in Hong Kong convicted and sentenced on sedition charges for their news reporting under the city’s draconian new national security laws. The rulers in Beijing continue to tighten their repressive grip…

Cuban Revolution shows how to beat hurricanes

Vol. 88/No. 38 - October 14, 2024

Cuba is the one country in the world with a government that mobilizes the power of its working people to combat the effects of hurricanes and other natural disasters. In sharp contrast to Washington, it uses all the resources of…

Build support for striking dockworkers!

Vol. 88/No. 38 - October 14, 2024

On Oct. 1, tens of thousands of members of the International Longshoremen’s Association on the East and Gulf coasts joined 33,000 Boeing workers on strike, labor battles with big stakes for all working people. These fights need organized backing by…