Rail workers in Canada wage fight over safety, work schedules

Vol. 88/No. 15 - April 15, 2024
Des cheminots membres des Teamsters manifestent devant les bureaux du Canadien National à Montréal, le 26 novembre 2019, pendant une grève de 8 jours pour la sécurité au travail. Les cheminots font face à une nouvelle épreuve de force avec les patrons le 22 août.

MONTREAL —Canada’s two major railroads — Canadian National and Canadian Pacific Kansas City — both filed a “notice of dispute” with the federal government Feb. 16, making it clear that the rail bosses intend to wage a combined fight against…

Fight Jew-hatred! Defend Israel’s right to exist as a refuge for Jews!

Vol. 88/No. 15 - April 15, 2024
More than 1,000 people defend synagogue in Teaneck, New Jersey, April 1, outmobilizing 100 pro-Hamas protesters who claimed firsthand accounts of Oct. 7 pogrom atrocities given at fundraiser that night would “fuel Gaza genocide.” Gila Rachlin, who lives in the neighborhood, told the press, “I want them to know that the Jewish people can’t be intimidated.”

As the sixth-month anniversary of Hamas’ Oct. 7 pogrom against Jews in Israel approaches, the Israel Defense Forces are dealing blows to the reactionary Jew-hating group in Gaza and to the Tehran-led “axis of resistance.” But Hamas still holds some…

Cuba fights brutal effects of US rulers’ economic war

Vol. 88/No. 15 - April 15, 2024

For 65 years the U.S. government has carried out a far-reaching economic, trade and financial war against Cuba. This brutal policy has been continued by every one of the 13 Democratic and Republican administrations since 1959. The U.S. rulers’ stated…

SWP takes Fruit campaign to workers across the US

Vol. 88/No. 14 - April 8, 2024

Supporters of Rachele Fruit, Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. president, are taking the party’s campaign to workers on their doorsteps, at union rallies and actions called to fight Jew-hatred. The campaign gets a hearing as working people face economic…

Biden says the economy’s great, workers face a different reality

Vol. 88/No. 14 - April 8, 2024

President Joseph Biden and his liberal media “spin doctors,” desperate for ways to boost his lagging reelection campaign, are working overtime to pitch the U.S. economy in the most positive light. They insist inflation is falling, and job openings increasing…

Quebec lead workers united against company lockout

Vol. 88/No. 14 - April 8, 2024

SAINTE-CATHERINE, Quebec — “It’s clear the company is out to try to bust our union,” Steve Nault, president of the Confederation of National Trade Unions (CSN) local at Terrapure here, told the Militant on their picket line March 20. “They…