‘Teamster Bureaucracy’ is a must read for workers today

SWP, Teamster militants fought bosses, FBI frame-up
Vol. 82/No. 33 - September 3, 2018

Teamster Bureaucracy by Farrell Dobbs, 440 pages, Pathfinder Press, second edition, 2018. BY ALYSON KENNEDY The wealth of lessons in the four-volume Teamsters series by Farrell Dobbs is essential for workers who are beginning to see the need to fight…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 82/No. 33 - September 3, 2018

September 6, 1993 “Most people look at prisoners as scum of the earth. But we’re almost all working-class people, human beings with an interest in fighting for human rights. We have common interests and the only way we’re going to…

Fidel Castro: ‘Maurice Bishop was a true revolutionary’

Vol. 82/No. 33 - September 3, 2018
Maurice Bishop, left, and Fidel Castro at May Day rally in Cuba, 1980. “Grenada had become a true symbol of independence and progress in the Caribbean,” Fidel Castro said after Bishop was killed in counterrevolutionary coup. “No one could have foreseen the tragedy” to come.

Below is a speech by Fidel Castro given in Havana on Nov. 14, 1983, to more than 1 million people gathered to honor 24 Cuban volunteers who were killed during the U.S. invasion of Grenada. It’s included in Maurice Bishop…


Vol. 82/No. 33 - September 3, 2018

The article “Venezuela: Workers, Farmers Face Effects of Capitalist Crisis” in the Aug. 27 Militant mistakenly identified Edwin Fruit, as the Socialist Workers Party candidate for governor of Washington state. He is the SWP candidate for U.S. Senate there.

‘A revolution is occurring among the women of our country!’

Vol. 82/No. 32 - August 27, 2018
Participation in Cuba's revolution transformed women. No longer restricted to the home, they became political actors and leaders. Left, militia women prepare to defend revolution against U.S. military threats during 1962 missile crisis. Right, revolution opened up traditionally male jobs for women.

Below is an excerpt from “The Revolution Within the Revolution,” a December 1966 speech by Fidel Castro presented to the Fifth National Plenary of the Federation of Cuban Women. It’s printed in Women and the Cuban Revolution, one of Pathfinder’s…

Socialist Workers Party: ‘Amnesty for immigrants!’

Vol. 82/No. 32 - August 27, 2018

The following statement was released Aug. 15 by Margaret Trowe, Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. Senate from New York. Trowe lives in Albany, where she works for Walmart. There are 11 million immigrant workers without visas, work permits or…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 82/No. 32 - August 27, 2018

August 30, 1993 REDWOOD FALLS, Minnesota — Gene Swoboda, who farms the same rich land his great-grandfather homesteaded here in southwestern Minnesota in the 1880s, expresses concern as he watches wheat roll under the blades of his 12-year-old Case combine.…

Parties like the SWP are ‘tribunes of the people’

Vol. 82/No. 32 - August 27, 2018

Below are excerpts from What Is to Be Done? by V.I. Lenin. It was published in March 1902 and discusses what kind of party is needed to lead the workers and farmers to overthrow the capitalist rulers and take political…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 82/No. 31 - August 20, 2018

August 23, 1993 PERCY, Illinois — On July 27 another 1,000 miners joined the United Mine Workers of America strike for a contract. This was the eighth expansion of the national coal strike, which began May 10. There are now…

Who were the combatants who began Cuba’s revolution?

Vol. 82/No. 31 - August 20, 2018
From left, Ñico López, Abel Santamaría and Fidel Castro in Havana, 1953. July 26 assault on government’s Moncada barracks was defeated, but revolutionary leadership emerged.

The article below by Marta Rojas Rodríguez, a veteran Cuban revolutionary, journalist and writer, was run in Granma July 25. In July 1953, Rojas, then a 25-year-old journalism student, covered the trial of Fidel Castro and other revolutionaries who had…