How Lenin championed fight against national oppression

Vol. 82/No. 7 - February 19, 2018

Below is an excerpt from Lenin’s Final Fight, 1922-23, one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for February. In these speeches and writings Lenin, the central leader of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, waged what was to be his last political battle…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 82/No. 7 - February 19, 2018

February 19, 1993 Coal miners in West Virginia, Kentucky, Illinois, and Indiana set up picket lines February 2 against Peabody Holdings Co., the nation’s largest coal producer. Some 7,000 members of the United Mine Workers of America are involved in…


Vol. 82/No. 7 - February 19, 2018

‘Militant’ circulates in Nepal We have been receiving the Militant for many years. Thanks for the publication. We have been translating the news and views of the paper in Nepali and publishing them in workers weekly and daily for our readers. We…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 82/No. 6 - February 12, 2018

February 12, 1993 As Washington’s occupation of southern Somalia nears the end of its second month, the U.S. military unleashed its firepower against forces loyal to ousted Somali dictator Mohamed Siad Barre that were threatening to seize control of the…

SWP: For a world free of nuclear weapons

Vol. 82/No. 6 - February 12, 2018

The following statement was issued Jan. 30 by John Studer, Socialist Workers Party national campaign director. The Socialist Workers Party demands Washington’s immediate unilateral nuclear disarmament and has done so since these weapons were first developed and used against the…

Sankara: Goal of revolution is transfer of power to the toilers

Vol. 82/No. 6 - February 12, 2018

Below is an excerpt from We Are Heirs of the World’s Revolutions by Thomas Sankara, one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for February. Sankara led the revolution in Burkina Faso (called Upper Volta until 1984) from 1983 until his assassination in…

Cuban Revolution brought millions into political action

Vol. 82/No. 5 - February 5, 2018

Below is an excerpt from The First and Second Declarations of Havana. Its Spanish-language edition is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for January. The excerpt is from the preface, written by Mary-Alice Waters, a leader of the Socialist Workers Party…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 82/No. 5 - February 5, 2018

February 5, 1993 Another battle in the fight to defend women’s right to abortion has been waged in Washington, D.C. Hundreds of pro-choice activists successfully mobilized against Operation Rescue’s attempt to shut down abortion clinics in that city January 23.…

Communist League: Celebrate victory over frame-up!

Vol. 82/No. 5 - February 5, 2018

The following statement was released Jan. 21 by John Steele, spokesperson for the Communist League in Canada. Working people across the country and beyond should celebrate the Jan. 19 “not guilty” verdicts in the frame-up trial of locomotive engineer Tom…

SWP: Jew-hatred is poison to working class

Vol. 82/No. 5 - February 5, 2018

Below is an excerpt on the poison of Jew-hatred in the working class and fights for national liberation from the introduction by Socialist Workers Party leader Norton Sandler to Is Socialist Revolution in the US Possible?Copyright © 2016 by Pathfinder Press.…