Hamas in its own words: ‘Kill the Jews’

Vol. 87/No. 39 - October 23, 2023

Hamas claims charges that its program is based on Jew-hatred are a slander. So that our readers can judge for themselves we reproduce below quotes from the 1988 Hamas covenant, which the group has never repudiated, and is in its…

Lenin opposed Russian domination of Ukraine, Soviet republics

Vol. 87/No. 39 - October 23, 2023
V.I. Lenin, center, addresses Second Congress of Communist International, Petrograd, Russia, July 1920. It adopted resolution by Lenin to promote fight against national oppression.

One of the October Books of the Month is the Spanish edition of Lenin’s Final Fight: Speeches and Writings 1922-23. It describes the last political battle by V.I. Lenin, the central leader of the Bolshevik-led 1917 socialist revolution in Russia.…

25, 50, and 75 years ago

Vol. 87/No. 39 - October 23, 2023

October 26, 1998 The most effective way for workers, farmers and other democratic-minded people to respond to the killing of Wyoming student Matthew Shepard by antigay thugs is to join in public protests against this crime and demand full civil…

25, 50, and 75 years ago

Vol. 87/No. 38 - October 16, 2023

October 19, 1998 Beating the drums of American nationalism, the U.S. steel bosses have launched a reactionary campaign against steel imports. This campaign is a deadly trap for working people, designed to save steel bosses’ profits, while pitting working people…


Vol. 87/No. 38 - October 16, 2023

In Militant issue no. 37, the article “All out to back UAW strike! Bring labor’s power to bear!” misidentified United Auto Workers striker Shannon Hickle-White. She is a woman.

Workers here can emulate Cuba’s revolution

Vol. 87/No. 37 - October 9, 2023

Statement by Lea Sherman, Socialist Workers Party candidate for New Jersey General Assembly, released Sept. 27. There is no better example of what workers are capable of accomplishing than Cuba’s socialist revolution. The power of that example for workers here…

James P. Cannon built the SWP as an internationalist party

Vol. 87/No. 37 - October 9, 2023
Farrell Dobbs, left, and James P. Cannon, center, in Minneapolis, 1941. They were among 18 leaders of Socialist Workers Party and Minneapolis Teamsters facing government frame-up charges as U.S. rulers prepared to drag working people into the second imperialist world war.

One of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for September is James P. Cannon As We Knew Him by Farrell Dobbs, Joseph Hansen, George Novack, Jean Tussey, Harry Braverman and 28 other contributors who knew and worked with him. The introduction…

25, 50, and 75 years ago

Vol. 87/No. 37 - October 9, 2023

October 12, 1998 WORTHINGTON, Minnesota — More than 700 farmers and their supporters gathered here Sept. 19 to demand guaranteed prices for farm commodities and relief for farmers this year. Farmers that spoke at the rally described the reality facing…