All out in solidarity with Warrior Met miners on strike!

Vol. 85/No. 30 - August 16, 2021

Statement by Róger Calero, Socialist Workers Party candidate for New York City mayor, Aug. 4. Solidarity is needed to reinforce the strike by 1,100 miners at Warrior Met Coal and build on support they received at their rally in Brookwood,…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 85/No. 30 - August 16, 2021

August 19, 1996 The following statement was issued July 31 by Socialist Workers Party candidates for U.S. president and vice president, James Harris and Laura Garza. Capitalizing on the explosion of Trans World Airlines flight 800 with the loss of…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 85/No. 29 - July 26, 2021

August 5, 1996 BELFAST — The crisis of British rule in Northern Ireland intensified as nationalists staunchly resisted rightist marches through their streets and the intimidation of their communities. On July 12 in Derry, the police fired 1,000 plastic bullets…

Lenin: ‘Oppressed nations have the right to self-determination’

Vol. 85/No. 29 - July 26, 2021
Bolshevik leader V.I. Lenin, center, at Congress of the Communist International in Moscow, 1920. Lenin explained the need to back the fight for national liberation in colonies and semicolonies, for the toilers to organize independent of the imperialists and their capitalist allies there.

One of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for July is Workers of the World and Oppressed Peoples, Unite! Proceedings and Documents of the Second Congress of the Communist International, 1920 (Volume 1). This excerpt is from a report to the…

SWP candidates blast thuggery at Minneapolis protest

Vol. 85/No. 28 - July 19, 2021

Below is a statement sent to the Minneapolis Star Tribune July 1 by Doug Nelson, Socialist Workers Party candidate for mayor of Minneapolis, and David Rosenfeld, SWP candidate for City Council Ward 12. They speak out against an act of…

Join the SWP campaigning for a future truly worth living

Vol. 85/No. 28 - July 19, 2021

Statement by Malcolm Jarrett, Socialist Workers Party candidate for Pittsburgh mayor, July 7. Striking steelworkers at Allegheny Technologies Inc. and autoworkers at Volvo Trucks in Virginia are discussing tentative deals reached by their unions. Oil refinery workers locked out by…

Capitalist rulers aim to solve gov’t deficit on workers’ backs

Vol. 85/No. 28 - July 19, 2021
Protest in Philadelphia by retired workers against Social Security cuts in late 1980s. Rich bondholders demand government cut social wage, not profitable interest payments on government bonds, to cover rising state debts. This attack hits what working people see as a social right.

Capitalism’s World Disorder: Working-Class Politics at the Millennium by Jack Barnes is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for July. Barnes is the national secretary of the Socialist Workers Party. The excerpt is from the section “Bondholders and the…

Thank you to contributors to Militant Fighting Fund

Vol. 85/No. 28 - July 19, 2021

July 7, 2021 Dear Friends, Thank you to all our readers who generously contributed to the Militant Fighting Fund. This was run in conjunction with the 2021 spring circulation campaigns for the Militant newspaper and books by revolutionary leaders of…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 85/No. 28 - July 19, 2021

July 22, 1996 JOHANNESBURG, South Africa —The bill of rights in South Africa’s new constitution lays the groundwork for an amendment in existing legislation that could legalize the right to abortion. The Parliamentary Ad Hoc Select Committee on Abortion recommended…