25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 84/No. 12 - March 30, 2020

April 3, 1995 Thousands of working people in the United States — and many more around the globe — celebrated the recent U.S. tour of Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams. The reception he got registered London’s weakness in its attempt…

‘An example of revolutionary courage, discipline, integrity’

Vol. 84/No. 11 - March 23, 2020

The following message to María de los Ángeles Vázquez and Rafael Cancel Vázquez, widow and son of Puerto Rican independence fighter Rafael Cancel Miranda, was sent by Jack Barnes, National Secretary of the Socialist Workers Party, for the SWP National…


Vol. 84/No. 11 - March 23, 2020

The article “Indigenous People Debate Building Canada Pipeline” in issue no. 10 should have said the Coastal GasLink pipeline runs from Dawson Creek, British Columbia, to Kitimat on the west coast. In issue no. 9, the article “Striking Asarco Miners…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 84/No. 11 - March 23, 2020

March 27, 1995 DES MOINES — Union members from throughout the region rallied here March 11 to support rubber workers on strike for the past eight months at the Bridgestone/Firestone agricultural tire plant in this city. Most of the more…

Rafael Cancel Miranda

Vol. 84/No. 10 - March 16, 2020

The longtime independence fighter passed away March 2. Activities celebrating his life of struggle will take place across the island leading up to his funeral March 8. The Militant will run an article in an upcoming issue.

As capitalist crisis deepens, workers need control of production

Vol. 84/No. 10 - March 16, 2020
As part of carrying out their revolution, Cuban workers took control of production in the factories and on the land. Above, workers at Havana dairy factory meet in 1994, joining the national debate over how to reorganize production to address shortages in Cuban economy.

The Changing Face of U.S. Politics: Working Class Politics and the Trade Unions by Jack Barnes is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for March. Since the mid-1970s, Barnes, national secretary of the Socialist Workers Party, has led the…


Vol. 84/No. 10 - March 16, 2020

In Militant no. 9 the front page photo caption should have identified Lamont Anthony as being seated behind podium. The caption on page 9 should have said Didye Ruiz went to Equatorial Guinea as part of Cuban health care team.

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 84/No. 10 - March 16, 2020

March 20, 1995 MINNEAPOLIS — “Socialism is directly connected to the survival of our country,” said Cuban youth leader Rogelio Polanco to 40 students at the University of Minnesota here March 7. Polanco, along with Kenia Serrano, had arrived to…

Back Socialist Workers Party 2020 campaign Contribute to $25,000 fund!

Vol. 84/No. 9 - March 9, 2020

Socialist Workers Party candidates Alyson Kennedy and Malcolm Jarrett are on the campaign trail, speaking at public meetings; talking to working people door to door in cities and towns, small and large; joining social protests; walking picket lines with workers…

‘Communism is not a doctrine but a movement’

Vol. 84/No. 9 - March 9, 2020
Meatpackers march June 12, 2000, from United Food and Commercial Workers union hall in St. Paul, Minnesota, to Dakota Premium plant gate in fight that won union recognition. Communists “have no interests separate and apart from those of the proletariat as a whole,” wrote Karl Marx and Frederick Engels in the Communist Manifesto. “They do not set up any sectarian principles of their own, by which to shape and mold the proletarian movement.”

Below is a chapter from The Turn to Industry: Forging a Proletarian Party by Socialist Workers Party National Secretary Jack Barnes. It is entitled, “Communism Is Not a Doctrine but a Movement.” Copyright © 2019 by Pathfinder Press. Reprinted by…