‘Second-class status of women arose with class society’

Vol. 84/No. 9 - March 9, 2020
Women garment workers in Dhaka fighting for union rights, better wages and conditions, October 2014. Bangladeshi “fashion” industry workforce of 4 million is 80% female. Women in these factories have joined union struggles, advancing their confidence and status.

The Spanish-language edition of Cosmetics, Fashions, and the Exploitation of Women by Joseph Hansen, Evelyn Reed and Mary-Alice Waters is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for March. This Marxist classic on women’s liberation began as a 1954 debate…

Fight for gov’t-funded, cradle-to-grave health care!

Vol. 84/No. 9 - March 9, 2020

The U.S. government, the most powerful imperialist power on the planet, like every other capitalist power around the world, is far from prepared for the spread of coronavirus. The virus is new, no one is immune, and it will take…


Vol. 84/No. 9 - March 9, 2020

The caption for the photo of striking Asarco copper miners on page 10 of Militant issue no. 8 incorrectly said the workers were picketing the Mission Mine in Sahuarita, Arizona. The photo was of United Steelworkers Local 5252 members picketing…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 84/No. 9 - March 9, 2020

March 13, 1995 UNION POINT, Georgia — Shouting “No justice, no peace!” more than 300 young people, workers, NAACP members, and other supporters of Black rights marched here February 25. In a victory for democratic rights, a racist ban on…


Vol. 84/No. 9 - March 9, 2020

Origin of Irish parties There is an error in the article “Sinn Fein Vote Surge Fueled by Social Crisis, Calls for Irish Unity” in the Feb. 24 issue of the Militant. This doesn’t detract from the main points of the…

A debate: Marxism and the fight against Jew-hatred

Vol. 84/No. 8 - March 2, 2020
Jewish Press ran Socialist Workers Party statement on fight against Jew-hatred in Dec. 27 issue, which drew an attack.

A debate has unfolded in the Jewish Press, the largest Jewish weekly in the U.S., over the origins of Jew-hatred and how to fight it. The Dec. 27 issue reprinted a Dec. 17 statement by Seth Galinsky for the Socialist…

Eyewitness to Iran protests: ‘They lie, trample our rights’

Vol. 84/No. 8 - March 2, 2020
Sari, northern Iran, Nov. 16, 2019. Sparked by hikes in gas prices, protests mark growing unrest with regime’s expansionist military aims in region, taking big toll in soldiers’ lives and social needs of workers and farmers.

The following interview was conducted in December 2019 with a participant in one of the protests by workers and youth that spread across Iran’s cities, working-class suburbs and rural towns in mid-November. It was received by the Militant  in the…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 84/No. 8 - March 2, 2020

March 6, 1995 PEORIA, Illinois — Members of United Auto Workers on strike against Caterpillar in central Illinois continue to voice their resolve to keep up the fight until they can go back with a contract and their union intact.…


Vol. 84/No. 8 - March 2, 2020

Sinister precedent The article about Maya Forstater’s legally upheld firing for “offensive speech,” which the U.K. tribunal decreed a violation of mandated language (Feb. 17 Militant ), accurately highlights the corrosive effects of such actions on freedom of speech and…

Answer US slanders against Cuba!

Vol. 84/No. 7 - February 24, 2020

The Socialist Workers Party campaign urges working people to speak out against the U.S. rulers’ slander attacks on Cuba’s internationalist medical missions and their over-60-year economic war against the Cuban people at home. Washington claims Cuba’s medical volunteers in Africa,…