Mine explosion in Russia kills over 50 workers, dozens injured

Vol. 85/No. 46 - December 13, 2021

The bosses’ drive for profit at the expense of safety led to a deadly coal mine methane gas explosion in the Kemerovo region of southwestern Siberia Nov. 25. Over 50 people were killed and dozens more hospitalized. Five workers who…

Two frame-up victims exonerated. So who really killed Malcolm X?

Vol. 85/No. 45 - December 6, 2021
Malcolm X speaks to young people in Selma, Alabama, Feb. 4, 1965, during bloody battle for right of Blacks to vote. Both U.S. government and leadership of Nation of Islam feared Malcolm’s revolutionary course and development as a leader for the whole working class.

Two of the three men convicted for the assassination of Malcolm X in 1965 were exonerated Nov. 18. The decision reverses a decadeslong frame-up by the capitalist “justice” system.  The convictions of Muhammad Aziz and Khalil Islam were overturned by…

Moderna fights US gov’t over patent and profits

Vol. 85/No. 44 - November 29, 2021

Profit-driven bosses at Moderna have iced out of the main patent for its COVID-19 vaccine the scientists from the federal government’s National Institutes of Health, which helped pay for and develop it. The fight over this patent exposes the dog-eat-dog…

Guantánamo trial exposes brutality of CIA torture

Vol. 85/No. 43 - November 22, 2021

In testimony before a sentencing jury of eight senior military officers Oct. 28, Majid Khan read a statement in court detailing his personal experiences being tortured by the CIA. Khan has been imprisoned for 15 years by the U.S. government…

As prices of necessities rise, workers need unions to fight back

Vol. 85/No. 42 - November 15, 2021
Food prices have soared. Government doesn’t count ‘volatile’ figures in official inflation rate.

Rising prices on food, energy, rent and other necessities are upending the lives of millions of working people. Claims by government economists that this is just temporary are wearing thin. The government aids the bosses by making inflation appear lower…

Protests say: ‘End US economic war against Cuba!’

Vol. 85/No. 42 - November 15, 2021
Protests say: ‘End US economic war against Cuba!’

Over 60 people rallied in front of Miami City Hall Oct. 31, above, demanding an end to the U.S. government’s embargo against Cuba. They set out in a caravan of 50 cars to Little Haiti’s Toussaint L’Ouverture Park, receiving a…

Vote SWP!

Expand reach of ‘Militant,’ books, party
Vol. 85/No. 41 - November 8, 2021
Alyson Kennedy, left, SWP Texas campaign chair, and SWP campaigner Dennis Richter, right, talk with Percy Gipson in Fort Worth, Texas, Oct. 23. “Justice for Tiara,” painted on Gipson’s truck, is part of fight to force a real investigation into street killing of Gipson’s cousin, Tiara Williams. “Criminal violence, gangs, come from workings of the capitalist system,” said Richter.

With the 2021 elections just days away, the Militant urges readers to campaign for and vote for the Socialist Workers Party candidates and join in the fight to advance the party’s working-class program, which the SWP fights for 365 days…

Michigan auto-parts workers strike, win UAW union

Vol. 85/ No. 39 - October 25, 2021

Some 340 workers won union recognition for the United Auto Workers after a weeklong strike in September at auto-parts supplier ZF International at its Marysville, Michigan, plant. The axle factory was previously owned by Fiat Chrysler and had been under…