US gov’t extends accelerated pace of federal executions

Vol. 84/No. 48 - December 7, 2020
Protest at Terre Haute prison, Indiana, Nov. 19, against execution of Orlando Hall, eighth federal inmate executed in past four months. Left, Sylvester Edwards, president local NAACP.

The U.S. government executed Orlando Hall Nov. 19, the eighth federal inmate to be put to death over the past four months. The Justice Department resumed use of this barbaric punishment after a 17-year break, as increasing numbers of workers…

Gag orders by ‘social media’ bosses attack political rights

Vol. 84/No. 47 - November 30, 2020

Growing restrictions and monitoring of political views by censorship officials at Facebook, Twitter and other “social media” are a danger to political rights. Liberal thought-control overseers have interfered with or blocked comments and sites that run the gamut from tweets…

U.S. gov’t to execute first woman in nearly 70 years

Vol. 84/No. 46 - November 23, 2020
Protest at Indiana federal prison Aug. 26 against execution of a Native American, Lezmond Mitchell, opposed by Navajo Nation leaders. U.S. executions are among highest in the world.

The U.S. government has scheduled the first execution of a woman in nearly 70 years, setting a Dec. 8 date to put Lisa Montgomery to death. This will be the eighth federal execution since mid-July after a 17-year break in…

Bolshevik Revolution showed road forward in Transcaucasus

Vol. 84/No. 46 - November 23, 2020
Armenia-Azerbaijan Map

Weeks of fighting in the southern Caucasus between the regimes in Azerbaijan and Armenia over control of the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh has taken a big toll on working people throughout the area. With the Turkish government backing Azerbaijan and Moscow…

Workers need our own party, a labor party!

Bosses drive to make workers pay for crisis of capitalism
Vol. 84/No. 43 - November 2, 2020
UNITE HERE Local 5 and Hawaii Nurses and Healthcare Professionals workers at Kaiser Wailuku in Hawaii rally in mid-October, protest boss plans to close departments, cut workers.

Whichever capitalist political party wins the presidency Nov. 3 — the Democrats with Joseph Biden or Republicans with Donald Trump — tens of millions of workers are going to face the same deep economic, and moral crisis the day after…

Cut workweek with no cut in pay to stop layoffs

Demand gov’t-financed public works program to create jobs
Vol. 84/No. 42 - October 26, 2020
Fairacres Manor nursing home residents in Greeley, Colorado, backed by nursing staff, protest restrictions imposed on physical contact with loved ones Oct. 8. Rulers have shunted elderly into overcrowded, understaffed nursing homes, leaving thousands shut in to die.

Millions of workers in the U.S. have lost their jobs in the midst of a two-sided and intertwined capitalist economic and social crisis unfolding today. One side is the efforts of the bosses and their government to make working people…

‘Militant’ fights yet another Florida prison impoundment

Vol. 84/No. 41 - October 19, 2020

Florida prison officials are at it again. On Oct. 3 the Militant received notice from Florida State Prison in Raiford that they had impounded issue no. 38. The reason? Because of the article on pages 1 and 2 titled “Join…

For federal public works program to provide jobs

Bosses announce more layoffs, attacks on wages, job safety
Vol. 84/No. 41 - October 19, 2020
Workers at Shop-Vac company demonstrate at Williamsport, Pennsylvania, plant Sept. 28 after company announced it was shutting down three plants and laying off 427 workers.

“You’re in good hands at Allstate,” the familiar TV commercial says. But the bosses of this large insurance company announced this week they are eliminating 3,800 workers. Allstate is one of a number of big capitalist outfits slashing its workforce…