SWP campaign offers program working people can use to fight

Vol. 87/No. 31 - August 21, 2023
Joanne Kuniansky, right, SWP candidate for New Jersey State Senate, joined in solidarity with striking nurses, members of USW Local 4-200, at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Brunswick, Aug. 6. From left, picket captain Nancy Lipschutz and nurse Patrick Miller.

Socialist Workers Party candidates and campaign supporters are presenting a political program and demands that point a road forward to defend the interests of working people, and advancing the need for solidarity with unionists fighting attacks by the bosses —…

Catherine Burks-Brooks helped launch Freedom Rides in 1961

Vol. 87/No. 30 - August 14, 2023
Above, Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth, left, speaks with Freedom Riders, seated from left, Charles Butler, Catherine Burks-Brooks, Lucretia Collins and Salynn McCollum in white waiting room in Birmingham, Alabama, bus station, May 17, 1961. Inset, Burks-Brooks smiles in mug shot after being arrested in Jackson, Mississippi, 11 days later.

The 1961 Freedom Rides were one of the watershed events in the Black-led working-class fight to overthrow Jim Crow segregation that changed social relations in the U.S. forever. Among those fearless, determined fighters involved in this moment in history was…

SWP candidates build solidarity, join in today’s union struggles

Vol. 87/No. 29 - August 7, 2023

Socialist Workers Party candidates and their supporters have been joining strike picket lines and stepping up efforts in their unions and through their campaigns to build solidarity with these working-class battles. Using the Militant’s pro-labor coverage, they visit with workers…

Why do liberals claim that US capitalism is on the upswing?

Vol. 87/No. 29 - August 7, 2023
While energy prices have gone down, most items working people depend on are still rising today.

If you go by what the liberal big-business media are saying, the economy is on the verge of a boom, with prices dropping and fears of a wrenching recession fading away. Among a plethora of articles pushing this view include:…

Supreme Court ruling for web designer is win for free speech

Vol. 87/No. 28 - July 31, 2023
Colorado web designer Lorie Smith won her Supreme Court case June 30 on her right, under First Amendment protections of free speech from government interference, not to endorse messages she disagrees with. This victory defends constitutional liberties for working people.

The U.S. Supreme Court in a 6-3 vote June 30 ruled that a Colorado commercial website designer has the right under the First Amendment — which protects free speech from government interference — to refuse to endorse messages she disagrees…

Crisis of capitalism, attacks on workers deepen in Europe

Vol. 87/No. 26 - July 17, 2023

Under the impact of rising prices coupled with declining production and trade worldwide, the capitalist economic crisis is deepening in Europe. And this feeds sharpening strains among the 27 governments that comprise the European Union as well as competition with…

NYC board hikes rents on 1 million apartments

Vol. 87/No. 26 - July 17, 2023

NEW YORK — Working people here are once again facing rising rents as the city’s Rent Guidelines Board voted June 21 to increase rents by the highest amount in a decade on some 1 million rent-stabilized apartments. Rents for a…

Crises of child care, education, medical care hit workers hard

Vol. 87/No. 25 - July 10, 2023
Child care center in Boise, Idaho, in May. In September the Biden administration is shutting down aid for child care adopted during pandemic, disrupting care for 3 million children.

From plummeting math and reading test scores for teenage students, to the government’s plan to slash funds for child care, to rising health care costs alongside hospital closings — over 175 in rural areas over the last 15 years —…

288 dead in train crash in India is result of workings of capitalism

Vol. 87/No. 24 - July 3, 2023
Hundreds of working people join efforts to free those trapped in wreckage after high-speed train collision in India. Years of government neglect, underfinancing led to disaster.

Working people worldwide were horrified at news coverage when at least 288 people were killed and more than 1,000 injured in a head-on collision between government-run passenger and freight trains in India June 2. Rail bosses’ drive for profits at…

Capitalist crisis drives birth rate, life expectancy down

Vol. 87/No. 23 - June 12, 2023

As prices continue to rise, especially on necessities like food, housing and health care, and as the worldwide decline in capitalist production and trade threatens layoffs, insistence by Joseph Biden administration officials that the economy is doing well ring hollow.…