Maidan uprising strengthened the working class in Ukraine

Vol. 86/No. 18 - May 9, 2022
Militant reporting team visited Independence Square, Kyiv, March 17, 2014. Trade Union House, above, was burned out a month earlier as pro-Moscow regime waged deadly attacks on huge Maidan popular uprising before President Yanukovych fled. Inset, miner at Donetsk tent on Maidan reading the Militant. The tent is shown on the right in the main picture above.

Refusing to surrender to Moscow’s invasion, Ukrainians are fighting to defend their country’s independence and courageously protesting when their villages and towns are occupied, as the regime of Russian President Vladimir Putin attempts to subjugate them and crush their country.…

Defeat of FBI entrapment case is a victory for political rights

Vol. 86/No. 16 - April 25, 2022

In a victory for political rights, prosecutors failed to convict any of four men who were entrapped and framed up by undercover FBI provocateurs, accused of conspiring to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to try and stop her pandemic mask…

Court ruling for the Gibsons is a victory for working people

Vol. 86/No. 15 - April 18, 2022
Four generations of the Gibson family and their legal team celebrate June 13, 2019, after Lorain County jury decided in their favor against Oberlin College officials’ campaign of “racism” smears.

Ohio’s Ninth District Court of Appeals unanimously upheld a 2019 jury verdict and $31 million award won by the Gibson family, owners of a fifth-generation local bakery and store in Oberlin, against a yearslong race-baiting and defamatory assault by Oberlin…

Rifts at NATO gathering as rulers prepare for more wars

Vol. 86/No. 14 - April 11, 2022
From left, U.S. President Joseph Biden, French President Emmanuel Macron and U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson at NATO war summit in Brussels, March 24. Behind smiles and handshakes, conflicting interests of all imperialist powers in NATO are sharpening.

Moscow’s deadly war against working people in Ukraine was the backdrop for a gathering of imperialist rulers in Brussels March 24. President Joseph Biden and government heads from Germany, Britain, France and 26 other capitalist countries announced decisions to boost…

Iran deal in flux amid Ukraine war, sanctions on Russian oil

Vol. 86/No. 12 - March 28, 2022

Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine and accelerating sanctions imposed by Washington and its imperialist rivals on Russia, are sending supplies of oil and gas spiraling downward. Prices at the pump and for home heating have skyrocketed, deepening the crisis facing working…

Militant Fighting Fund key to getting paper out

Vol. 86/No. 12 - March 28, 2022

The enthusiastic response of Militant readers to its call for the defense of Ukraine’s independence, the defeat of Moscow’s invasion and for Washington to get all U.S. troops and nuclear weapons out of Europe is marked by contributions beginning to…