As 2024 nears, Democrats step up attacks on political rights

Vol. 87/No. 36 - October 2, 2023
Boston cops seize socialist literature during 1919-20 Palmer Raids. Inset, Victor Berger’s 1918 Socialist Party election campaign. Congress voted 309-1 to bar him from office after he won.

The Democrats’ seven-year-long relentless campaign to drive Donald Trump out of politics and bar him from running for president in 2024 is becoming more frantic as the primaries come nearer. President Joseph Biden’s Justice Department and Democratic prosecutors in Georgia…

NYC Democrats move to refurbish Red Squad, attack political rights

Vol. 87/No. 35 - September 25, 2023

The New York City Police Department announced July 18 the appointment of Harvard graduate and long-time intelligence department operative Rebecca Weiner as deputy commissioner of the city’s notorious intelligence and counterterrorism unit — better known as its Red Squad. She…

As 2024 election looms, Socialist Workers Party is the alternative

Vol. 87/No. 34 - September 11, 2023

The centerpiece of President Joseph Biden’s reelection campaign is denouncing former President Donald Trump and his supporters as “MAGA Republicans” and hailing the four indictments against his Republican opponent. Democrats, Never-Trump Republicans and the middle-class left are determined to drive…

New indictment of Trump is frontal attack on free speech

Defend constitutional rights! Drop the charges
Vol. 87/No. 33 - September 4, 2023
Image of Donald Trump fills screen at June 16, 2022, hearing in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021, riot at Capitol. Democrats’ witch hunt against former president aims to stop him running today.

On Aug. 14, Fani Willis, the Democratic district attorney in Fulton County, Georgia, announced the indictment of former President Donald Trump and a number of his political supporters under the notorious anti-union RICO law. A grand jury she has been…

Military coup in Niger heightens tensions in Africa

Vol. 87/No. 32 - August 28, 2023

Gen. Abdourahmane Tchiani overthrew the government of President Mohamed Bazoum in Niger July 26, amid deteriorating conditions facing millions of workers and farmers as well as attacks by Islamist terrorist groups. The takeover sharpened tensions between the French imperialist rulers,…

Defend free speech for all! Drop charges against Trump

Vol. 87/No. 31 - August 21, 2023
Left, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs law expanding FBI powers in 1934, opening door for agency to become U.S. rulers’ political police. Above, July 19, 1941, Militant reports government’s indictment of Socialist Workers Party, Teamster leaders, under thought-control Smith Act, dealing serious blow to constitutional protection of free speech.

  Defending constitutionally protected free speech is at the heart of fighting the latest assault on political rights by President Joseph Biden’s Justice Department. Special counsel Jack Smith’s second indictment of former President Donald Trump would gut the First Amendment…

New conspiracy charges against Trump deepen attack on rights

Vol. 87/No. 30 - August 14, 2023

Assaults on constitutional freedoms, led overwhelmingly by Democrats, dominate the 2024 presidential election campaign. President Joseph Biden’s Justice Department is piling up charges against former President Donald Trump, trying to turn political differences into “crimes” and trying to put him…

Democrats’ push to refurbish FBI part of attack on political rights

Vol. 87/No. 29 - August 7, 2023

For over seven years, beginning during the 2016 elections, the Democrats have attempted to use the FBI as a key weapon in their ongoing assault against Republican political opponent Donald Trump. In doing so, they’ve targeted the working people attracted…

Biden’s witch hunt against Trump attacks political rights

Vol. 87/No. 28 - July 31, 2023

The ever-expanding number of “investigations” and charges being filed against Donald Trump is unparalleled. This highly partisan operation against the likely nominee of one of the bosses’ two main parties is being carried out by President Joseph Biden, Trump’s likely…