‘Cuban Revolution is sustained in power by working people’

Vol. 84/No. 49 - December 14, 2020
Fidel Castro presents Second Declaration of Havana to million-strong assembly, Feb. 4, 1962. Cuban working people transformed themselves through the fight to take political power, making first socialist revolution in the Americas and defending it from U.S. aggression ever since.

Fidel Castro: Nothing Can Stop the Course of History, one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for December, is a wide-ranging interview given by the central leader of the Cuban Revolution in 1985. His interviewers were Jeffrey M. Elliot, a…

Victory! Indiana prison officials reverse ban on the ‘Militant’

Vol. 84/No. 48 - December 7, 2020

A victory has been won in defense of the right of Militant subscriber Kevin “Rashid” Johnson to receive the paper at the Wabash Valley Correctional Facility in Indiana. Johnson, a leader of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party, had written…

US gov’t extends accelerated pace of federal executions

Vol. 84/No. 48 - December 7, 2020
Protest at Terre Haute prison, Indiana, Nov. 19, against execution of Orlando Hall, eighth federal inmate executed in past four months. Left, Sylvester Edwards, president local NAACP.

The U.S. government executed Orlando Hall Nov. 19, the eighth federal inmate to be put to death over the past four months. The Justice Department resumed use of this barbaric punishment after a 17-year break, as increasing numbers of workers…

Calif. trailer park residents win fight against eviction

Vol. 84/No. 48 - December 7, 2020

WEST SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Residents of a trailer park here have been waging a fight to stay in their mobile homes on two fronts — against the callous actions of the California state Department of Housing and Community Development and…

New Zealand elections masked crisis facing working people

Vol. 84/No. 48 - December 7, 2020
Annalucia Vermunt, left, one of Communist League’s two candidates in October parliamentary elections in New Zealand, campaigns on workers’ doorsteps in Northcote.

AUCKLAND, New Zealand — As the Labour Party enters its second term in government here, having trounced the National Party opposition in parliamentary elections Oct. 17, working people in New Zealand face growing pressure on jobs, wages, housing and health…

How US combat troops turned against the Vietnam War

Vol. 84/No. 48 - December 7, 2020
Over 500 active-duty GIs joined San Francisco protest against Washington’s war in Vietnam, Oct. 12, 1968. GI opposition to the war, disintegrating morale was a key factor in U.S. defeat.

Out Now by Fred Halstead is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for November. Halstead, an active participant in and leader of the international movement against the U.S. war in Vietnam, visited and talked with GIs at a U.S.…