Biden, Trump defend bosses; Vote Socialist Workers Party

Vol. 84/No. 40 - October 12, 2020
From left, retired farmers John and Robert St. Martin, and farmer Karl Butts discuss crisis facing working farmers with SWP vice presidential candidate Malcolm Jarrett and presidential candidate Alyson Kennedy, who took the picture, in Plant City, Florida, Sept. 28.

With hundreds of thousands of workers continuing to lose their jobs every week and millions more still laid off from earlier this year, President Donald Trump and his Democratic challenger, Joe Biden, accuse each other of being responsible for this. …

Fight to defend jobs, wages, safety, working conditions!

Demand gov’t-financed public works program to create jobs
Vol. 84/No. 40 - October 12, 2020

MIAMI — “Our party alone puts forward a program to address what working people are going through,” Socialist Workers Party presidential candidate Alyson Kennedy told a Sept. 25 Militant Labor Forum here, pointing to the deepening capitalist economic and social…

Through our battles, workers can unite, transform ourselves

Vol. 84/No. 40 - October 12, 2020

This statement was issued by Alyson Kennedy, Socialist Workers Party candidate for president, Sept. 30. My main opponents — President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden — both claim they speak for the interests of working people. But the…

Anger at lack of charges filed in Taylor killing fuels debate

Vol. 84/No. 40 - October 12, 2020

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — As National Guard tanks rolled through downtown streets here Sept. 23, Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron announced the decisions of the grand jury he convened on whether, and what, charges should be issued in the March 13…

Protests across Belarus keep up pressure to bring down regime

Vol. 84/No. 40 - October 12, 2020
Mass protest Sept. 27 in Minsk demands ouster of repressive regime of Alexander Lukashenko.

After 50 straight days of protests, 100,000 people marched in Minsk, the capital of Belarus, Sept. 27, demanding an end to the authoritarian and repressive regime of Alexander Lukashenko. Many more mobilized in more than 20 other cities.  Over 200…

End Washington’s economic war against Cuba! No to new sanctions!

Vol. 84/No. 40 - October 12, 2020

In a sharp expansion of punishing U.S. government sanctions against Cuba’s revolutionary people, the State Department Sept. 23 announced a list of 433 hotels and housing properties U.S. tourists are now barred from using. The ban is justified by saying…

‘Workers can fight to change our conditions,’ say SWP candidates

Vol. 84/No. 39 - October 5, 2020
Amanda Allen, right, talks with SWP candidates Alyson Kennedy for president and Malcolm Jarrett for vice president in Forney, Texas, Sept. 17. Allen decided to join them in campaigning.

DALLAS — “I believe what the Socialist Workers Party candidates stand for, over what we have now,” nurse Amanda Allen told SWP candidates Alyson Kennedy and Malcolm Jarrett, running for president and vice president, in Forney, a small town east…

Dominion grocery workers strike to overturn wage cuts, shorter hours

Vol. 84/No. 39 - October 5, 2020

MONTREAL — Standing strong on picket lines across Newfoundland, 1,400 Dominion grocery store workers are now into the second month of their strike for higher wages and the reinstatement of 60 full-time jobs bosses eliminated last year. Part-time workers at…

What do the new accords in the Mideast mean for working people?

Vol. 84/No. 39 - October 5, 2020

Three years ago Socialist Workers Party National Secretary Jack Barnes released a statement pointing to the “necessity for the Israeli and Arab governments and leaderships of Palestinian organizations to begin immediate talks to recognize both Israel and an independent Palestinian…