For recognition of Israel and of a Palestinian state!

Vol. 84/No. 34 - August 31, 2020

Alyson Kennedy, the Socialist Workers Party candidate for president, issued the following statement Aug. 19. The accord signed establishing diplomatic relations between the governments of Israel and the United Arab Emirates can lead to further steps toward the Israeli and…

Bosses parties offer workers no answer for today’s crises

Vol. 84/No. 34 - August 31, 2020

With less than three months until the November elections, both the Democrats and Republicans are focused on how horrible the other party is, rather than on concrete measures working people need as the economic, social and moral crisis of capitalist…

Protests shake Belarus after rigged vote, brutal assaults

Vol. 84/No. 34 - August 31, 2020
Thousands of working people march from Minsk tractor factory to Belarus parliament Aug. 14. Banner answers President Lukashenko’s attacks, saying: “We’re not sheep. ... We are MTZ workers, we are not 20 people, we are 16,000!” Inset, like many disgusted at violent attacks on demonstrators, soldier had himself filmed throwing his uniform away into the garbage.

Some 200,000 people took to the streets in Minsk, capital of Belarus, Aug. 16, pressing to rid themselves of the repressive regime of President Alexander Lukashenko. One week earlier he had declared “victory” in an election, widely recognized as a…

Fight to overturn Florida prison officials’ ‘Militant’ impoundment

Vol. 84/No. 34 - August 31, 2020

The Florida Department of Corrections Literature Review Committee “voted to uphold the impoundment of ‘The Militant, Vol. 84, No. 30,’” LRC chair Dean Peterson wrote David Goldstein, the Militant ’s attorney, Aug. 17, “which means the issue is rejected and…

‘Workers need a union in every workplace, and a labor party!’

Vol. 84/No. 34 - August 31, 2020
Doreen Dempsey in Rochester, Minnesota, subscribed to Militant, bought book on revolutionary politics from SWP vice presidential candidate Malcolm Jarrett, signed to put party on ballot.

ST. PAUL, Minn. — In a little over two weeks, supporters of the Socialist Workers Party’s presidential ticket of Alyson Kennedy and Malcolm Jarrett collected 2,674 signatures, turning them in Aug. 18 to place the party on the ballot in…

Fight for a union on every job site, and a labor party

SWP wins support, files for ballot in four more states
Vol. 84/No. 33 - August 24, 2020
SWP presidential candidate Alyson Kennedy, at center, and supporters file over 2,000 signatures in Olympia to be on the ballot in Washington. Inset, press coverage on filing.

OLYMPIA, Wash. — Winning support from thousands of working people, Socialist Workers Party campaigners filed nominating petitions to put the party’s presidential ticket, Alyson Kennedy and Malcolm Jarrett, on the ballot in New Jersey, Tennessee and Washington state over the…

Fight for workers control of production and safety

Vol. 84/No. 33 - August 24, 2020

Alyson Kennedy, the Socialist Workers Party candidate for president, issued the following statement, Aug. 12. The Socialist Workers Party 2020 campaign — Alyson Kennedy for president and Malcolm Jarrett for vice president — is the only campaign that joins and…

Bath shipyard strikers discuss tentative deal, strike still on

Vol. 84/No. 33 - August 24, 2020

After seven weeks of a bitter strike against demands by Bath Iron Works bosses for concessions that would weaken their union, International Association of Machinists Local S6 negotiating committee and the company reached a tentative agreement. Voting is set for…

Nebraska meatpackers, union speak out in battle for job safety

Vol. 84/No. 33 - August 24, 2020
Steps by bosses at Smithfield, above, may “make companies look good,” but don’t protect workers, meatpacker Geraldine Waller, inset, told July 28 protest in Lincoln, Nebraska.

LINCOLN, Neb. — In the face of a widespread outbreak of COVID-19 in meatpacking plants in Nebraska, workers are speaking out, demanding that bosses slow down the line speed, increase the distance between work stations and improve ventilation, to protect…