Workers fight boss attacks on jobs, wages, conditions

Workers’ problem today is crisis of capitalism, not a virus
Vol. 84/No. 29 - July 27, 2020
Tens of thousands protest July 11 in Tel Aviv, Israel, against government’s failure to deliver aid promised to workers classified as self-employed. Sign reads, “Out of touch! We’re fed up!”

Speedup and dangerous working conditions enforced by bosses at Los Angeles Apparel and at nearby meatpacking plants highlight the employers contempt for workers’ safety and lives. Four workers at L.A. Apparel have recently died from coronavirus and over 300 working…

No worker has to die on the job! For workers control of production

Vol. 84/No. 29 - July 27, 2020

Alyson Kennedy, Socialist Workers Party candidate for president, issued the following statement July 15. Malcolm Jarrett is the party’s candidate for vice president. A fight by workers and our unions to wrest control of production and safety from the bosses…

Help us put the Socialist Workers Party on the ballot!

Vol. 84/No. 29 - July 27, 2020
From left, Gerardo Sánchez, SWP candidate for U.S. Senate from Texas; Haley Swims and Keri Tankersley, electors in Louisiana for SWP presidential ticket; and Rachele Fruit, SWP candidate for U.S. Senate from Georgia. “I really want to see the SWP on the ballot,” Tankersley said.

SHREVEPORT, La. — “After looking at the Militant, I really want to see the Socialist Workers Party on the ballot in Louisiana,” Keri Tankersley, a 24-year-old student in Monroe, an hour and a half east of here, told party campaigners.…

Join protests for prosecution of cops who killed Breonna Taylor!

Vol. 84/No. 29 - July 27, 2020
June 27 protest in Louisville, Kentucky, demands cops who killed Breonna Taylor be arrested, charged.

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — It’s been four months since Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old emergency room technician, was killed in a hail of bullets by cops breaking into her apartment in a late night “no-knock” raid here. Outrage over her death has…

Defense of free speech, debate met with slander and threats of reprisal

Vol. 84/No. 29 - July 27, 2020

A letter to Harper’s  magazine by 150 writers and artists speaking out for freedom of speech and debate came under immediate attack by radical purveyors of political correctness who believe that the suppression of “improper” views is required today. The…

Protests demand prosecute cops who shot Breonna Taylor, Elijah McClain

Vol. 84/No. 28 - July 20, 2020
June 27 protest in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, against the cop killing of Ejaz Choudry.

Following widespread protests worldwide by hundreds of thousands of working people after Minneapolis cops killed George Floyd, demonstrators against police brutality continue taking to the streets. The number and size of these actions are smaller than over past weeks, but…

Socialist Workers Party candidates get hearing in Bath, Boston, Albany

Vol. 84/No. 28 - July 20, 2020
Top, SWP presidential candidates Alyson Kennedy, right, and Malcolm Jarrett, back center, join Bath, Maine, shipyard strikers on picket line July 2. Inset, congressional candidate Willie Cotton, right, marches in New York City July 4 protest.

    BATH, Maine — Alyson Kennedy and Malcolm Jarrett, Socialist Workers Party candidates for president and vice president, joined striking shipbuilding workers on the picket lines at Bath Iron Works to bring solidarity to their strike, July 1-3. “Workers…

Bath shipyard workers’ strike gains solidarity

Hundreds rally in face of bosses push to impose attacks on union
Vol. 84/No. 28 - July 20, 2020
Picket line near entrance to Bath Iron Works in Maine July 3. Bosses want to scuttle seniority rights, step up use of nonunion subcontractors in attack on union, conditions on the job.

BATH, Maine — Some 350 striking shipbuilders, family members and supporters took part in a July 3 “Solidarity Pig Roast” at the Machinists Local S6 union hall here. The event was sponsored by local members, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers…

Workers fight back against boss attacks on jobs, safety

Vol. 84/No. 28 - July 20, 2020
Thousands of motorcycle workers for Uber and other food delivery app employers protested July 1 in Rio de Janiero, above, Sao Paulo and other Brazilian cities in the largest action so far to resist bosses’ use of high un-employment to pit workers against each other and drive down their pay and conditions.

From Maine shipyard strikers to food delivery bike and scooter drivers in Brazil, workers are fighting for their jobs, better wages and safer working conditions against the bosses’ drive to extract more profits from our labor power. From autoworkers in…

Support strikes, protests against police brutality! Fight for jobs!

Vol. 84/No. 28 - July 20, 2020

Alyson Kennedy, Socialist Workers Party candidate for president, issued the following statement July 8. Malcolm Jarrett is the party’s candidate for vice president. Striking shipyard workers in Bath, Maine; nurses walking the picket line for jobs and sick pay in…