Copper miners strike against Asarco union busting nears six-month mark

Vol. 84/No. 14 - April 13, 2020

AS WE GO TO PRESS… Picketing is “constitutionally protected” activity, United Steelworkers Local 886 President Greg Romero said in a March 31 letter to strikers, affirming that pickets remain 24/7 at Asarco’s Hayden complex. Pickets at Mission and Silver Bell…

Protests, job actions hit bosses’ disdain for safety

Workers’ fights today are road to force gov’t action
Vol. 84/No. 13 - April 6, 2020
Workers at Perdue chicken processing plant in Kathleen, Georgia, walked off the job March 23 to demand bosses clean, disinfect factory to defend them from coronavirus.

As the bosses and their governments at a federal, state and local level seek to manage growing depression conditions and impose lockdowns in the U.S. and elsewhere, working people are beginning to respond with protests and job actions. Starting with…

Algeria rulers use pretext of virus outbreak to bar protests

Vol. 84/No. 13 - April 6, 2020
Demonstrators at Feb. 28 anti-government protest in Algiers. Placard reads: “The authority and its supporters are deadlier than the coronavirus.” After year of massive protests, military-dominated regime used justification of virus crisis to ban demonstrations March 17.

The Algerian government has faced weekly street protests for political rights across the country for more than a year. It has unleashed repression, offered cosmetic concessions and tried to sow divisions among demonstrators. Nothing it has done has prevented working…

Working people in Cuba set the example for int’l solidarity

Vol. 84/No. 13 - April 6, 2020

“We have a revolutionary duty to fulfill, so we take our fear and put it to one side,” Leonardo Fernández, 68, an intensive care specialist, told Reuters in Havana March 21. He was meeting up with the brigade of 52…

Asarco strikers fight continues against bosses’ union busting

Vol. 84/No. 13 - April 6, 2020

“The strike lines are still up,” Alex Terrazas, United Steelworkers Local 937 union president, told the Militant by phone March 23. Terrazas, a worker at Asarco’s Mission Mine near Tucson, Arizona, was referring to the strike by 1,700 copper miners…

‘We need to stand up to the bosses’

Vol. 84/No. 12 - March 30, 2020
SWP presidential candidate Alyson Kennedy and nurse Christina Ware talk near San Leandro housing complex where residents are fighting landlord’s moves to nearly double their rent..

SAN LEANDRO, Calif. — Socialist Workers Party presidential candidate Alyson Kennedy and vice presidential candidate Malcolm Jarrett campaigned at a housing complex here March 11. Residents are fighting against efforts to force them out of their low-rent apartments. The visit…

Back strikers’ five monthlong battle against Asarco union busting

Vol. 84/No. 12 - March 30, 2020

Five months into their strike, over 1,700 copper miners are standing up against Asarco’s union-busting drive. They’ve kept up picket lines 24/7 and reached out for solidarity and support.    The company, which has three mines — Mission, Ray and…