Free trade or protectionism: Workers go to the wall either way

Vol. 82/No. 11 - March 19, 2018

The Wall Street Journal calls President Donald Trump’s proposed hefty tariffs on steel and aluminum imports “the biggest policy blunder of his presidency.” The tariffs — announced on the pretense of protecting “American” jobs — “will benefit a handful of companies,”…

W.Va. teachers: ‘We’re fighting for all workers’

School workers’ struggle wins broad support in W. Virginia
Vol. 82/No. 10 - March 12, 2018
West Virginia teachers, school workers, miners and other supporters at Feb. 26 strike rally in Charleston. Fight won widespread solidarity, taking on aspects of broader social movement.

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Chanting “We are united!” and singing “We’re not going to take it any more!” thousands of teachers, school workers and their supporters locked hands above their heads on the steps of the state Capitol here Feb. 26.…

Syrian rulers escalate war against toilers in E. Ghouta

Vol. 82/No. 10 - March 12, 2018

The Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad, backed by Moscow and Tehran, has intensified its murderous assault on the 400,000 people in the besieged Damascus suburb of eastern Ghouta. Mass mobilizations against Assad’s dictatorship shook Syria in 2011. The regime struck…

Bosses attacks unravel miners gains against black lung

Vol. 82/No. 10 - March 12, 2018

“Black Lung Disease Comes Storming Back in Coal Country” read the headline in the Feb. 22 New York Times. They’re talking about a debilitating and deadly disease that had been pushed way back by a powerful battle waged by miners,…

Cuba’s literacy drive ‘changed society, made us revolutionaries’

Vol. 82/No. 10 - March 12, 2018
Griselda Aguilera, a volunteer in Cuba’s literacy campaign in 1961, tells workers learning construction skills at Casa de Maryland in Hyattsville how the revolution eliminated illiteracy.

WASHINGTON — “We made the revolution and began to change society. As we changed society, we changed — we became revolutionaries,” said Griselda Aguilera Cabrera, describing her and her generation’s experience as participants in revolutionary Cuba’s literacy drive in 1961…

Walmart winning ‘retail wars,’ putting squeeze on its workers

Vol. 82/No. 10 - March 12, 2018

Walmart and Amazon bosses have been battling for domination in market share and profits. The Walton family owners of Walmart have been winning, as Amazon has proven unable to launch any serious challenge to their utter domination of the brick-and-mortar…

Conflicts heat up in Syria as US, rivals push interests


The multifront conflicts in Syria being fought by rival capitalist powers in the region — alongside intervention from Moscow and the imperialist rulers in Washington — continue to take a horrific toll on working people there. As each of these…

Demand amnesty for immigrant workers!

Propertied rulers debate who to let in, keep out
Sept. 10 Omaha, Nebraska, protest. Socialist Workers Party says Amnesty for all immigrants!

Democratic and some Republican senators on the one side and President Donald Trump on the other are blaming each other for the failure to pass legislation that would block the deportation of thousands of immigrant “dreamers” who came to the…

Liberals hail FBI witch hunt against Trump White House

Vol. 82/No. 9 - March 5, 2018

Liberals are singing the praises of the U.S. political police after former FBI boss Robert Mueller indicted 13 Russian individuals and three Russian organizations for conspiracy to “defraud the United States” by interfering in politics here. The Feb. 16 indictments…