SWP says Hamas pogrom in Israel is threat to all workers

Vol. 87/No. 40 - October 30, 2023
Joanne Kuniansky, left, SWP candidate for New Jersey State Senate, joined Oct. 15 Livingston protest against the Hamas massacre in Israel. Sign shows Jew-hatred is a threat everywhere.

Workers and our unions have a critical stake in taking on and fighting to defeat every form of Jew-hatred wherever it appears. That’s what candidates and members of the Socialist Workers Party and the Communist Leagues in Australia, Canada and…

From jobs to wages, workers face effects of capitalist crisis

Vol. 87/No. 40 - October 30, 2023

Facts and figures put a lie to the claims being made by the Joseph Biden administration and his boosters in the liberal capitalist media that aim to puff up his reelection bid by saying job opportunities are expanding and prospects…

UAW expands strike at Big Three, 34,000 on picket lines

Vol. 87/No. 40 - October 30, 2023
UAW Local 862 members on strike at Ford Kentucky Truck Plant in Louisville Oct. 14. “Our priority is to protect jobs and workers’ livelihoods,” Local President Todd Dunn told the Militant.

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Workers at the Ford Kentucky Truck Plant here, members of United Auto Workers Local 862, walked off the job Oct. 11, bringing the number of UAW workers on strike against the Big Three to over 34,000. They…

Support Memphis bakery workers strike over wages, safety and respect

Vol. 87/No. 40 - October 30, 2023
Cedric Wilson, right, president of BCTGM Local 390G on strike at International Flavors and Fragrances in Memphis,Tennessee, speaks at Oct. 18 rally outside IFF headquarters in New York. “We have union members with cancer, people with kids, some are losing their homes. But they’re all still in the fight,” he said. “There’s no other way, you have to fight.”

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — On the picket line at the International Flavors and Fragrances plant Oct. 11, strikers Darold Brooks, a mechanic, and Thad Beckman, a lead man, told this Militant  worker-correspondent about the horrendous safety record of the bosses here.…

Working people in Mexico look for way forward

Vol. 87/No. 40 - October 30, 2023
July 26 Mexico City march for justice for 43 disappeared Ayotzinapa students. Banner reads: “The army knows.” President López Obrador increasingly relies on “incorruptible” military.

For decades working people in Mexico have faced governments defending capitalist exploitation, widespread corruption, drug cartels and police repression. Five years ago, many voted for and looked to new President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, hoping his promises would reverse previous…

Fight to win workers power and socialism to end Jew-hatred

Vol. 87/No. 39 - October 23, 2023

At an Oct. 10 rally in Miami to stand in solidarity with the Jews of Israel after the Nazi-style pogrom carried out by Hamas and its allies, Rachele Fruit, the 2024 Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. Senate from Florida,…

Condemn Jew-hating pogrom! Defend Israel’s right to exist!

Vol. 87/No. 39 - October 23, 2023
Rachele Fruit, Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. president, speaks to press at Oct. 10 event at Miami’s Holocaust Memorial to condemn Hamas pogrom in Israel. SWP is part of decadeslong continuity of communist movement in fight against Jew-hatred, she said.

MIAMI BEACH, Fla. — The Holocaust Memorial here was the site of an Oct. 10 rally of some 3,000 in solidarity with the Jews of Israel after the Nazi-style pogrom three days earlier. “We distributed flyers for the next Militant…

Biggest massacre of Jews since the Nazi Holocaust

Vol. 87/No. 39 - October 23, 2023
Cars shot up, blocked as Jewish participants in all-night music festival near Gaza tried to flee Hamas’ murderous attacks Oct. 7. Killing or kidnapping Jews was Hamas’ main objective.

The murderous pogrom Oct. 7 by Hamas and its allies is a stark warning to all working people that Jew-hating slaughter and demagogy are a permanent reality of the world imperialist order. These heinous acts and the bourgeois leaderships that…

SWP tells truth about Hamas war on Jews, builds US labor struggles

Vol. 87/No. 39 - October 23, 2023
Lisa Potash, SWP candidate for U.S. Congress from Georgia, told Militant Labor Forum in Atlanta Oct. 8 that middle-class left falsely portrays Hamas as a national liberation organization. In fact it is “a reactionary Islamist puppet of Tehran” that rules Palestinians in Gaza by thuggery.

The Socialist Workers Party and Communist Leagues in Canada, Australia and the U.K. are campaigning to explain why Israel must be defended as a refuge for Jews and why the pogroms Hamas launched on Israeli citizens must be exposed and…