Iran unrest fueled by attacks on labor, women, nationalities

Protests: ‘No death penalty! Free political prisoners!’
Vol. 87/No. 4 - January 30, 2023
At Tehran court Jan. 16 families of those facing execution on drug charges, part of wider protests across Iran against death penalty, chanted, ”Let authorities answer! No to executions!”

Dozens demonstrated outside Rajai Shahr jail near Tehran Jan. 8 and 9 to demand an end to the death penalty, including the mother of Mohammad Ghobadlou, one of several anti-government protesters convicted of “enmity to God” and sentenced to death. …

Help ‘Militant’ win renewals, get new book out to workers

Vol. 87/No. 4 - January 30, 2023

Members and supporters of the Socialist Workers Party and Communist Leagues in Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom are reaching out to the more than 1,300 persons who subscribed to the Militant  last fall. They will discuss the party’s program…

Support Iran protests! End gov’t repression!

What’s the real history of Iran’s 1979 revolution?
Vol. 87/No. 3 - January 16, 2023
March in Zahedan, capital of Baluchistan, Iran, Dec. 30, demands end death penalty, stop arrest of protesters. Region has been a hotbed of resistance to regime’s attacks on democratic rights.

The capitalist rulers of the Islamic Republic of Iran are divided on how to face continuing challenges to their regime. Neither their slanders of anti-government protesters as dupes of U.S. imperialism, or of the “Zionist” Israeli government, nor their brutal…

Amnesty for undocumented workers, unify working class!

Vol. 87/No. 3 - January 16, 2023
Immigrant rights march April 2021 near the White House. Fighting for amnesty for undocumented workers in the U.S. is key to working-class unity, strengthening our unions.

Now halfway through the term of President Joseph Biden, his Border Patrol agents arrested a record 2.2 million immigrants in 2022 at the border with Mexico. Nearly half were deported back under Title 42, a 1944 law invoked in March…

Back Ukraine independence! Protest Putin’s war, bombings

Vol. 87/No. 3 - January 16, 2023

Ukrainian people have stepped up the courageous defense of their homeland as fighting grinds on in the south and east and as Moscow’s bombardment of cities across the country continues. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s assault on the country’s power infrastructure…

Solidarity with Ingredion workers strike, stop boss takeback demands

Vol. 87/No. 3 - January 16, 2023
Mike Moore, center, president of BCTGM Local 100G, on strike against Ingredion in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, receives check on picket line for $1,521 from Dan Fein and Veronica Hopkins (taking picture) Dec. 29 from BCTGM Local 1 collection at Mondelez bakery in Chicago.

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa — “This is our 151st day on strike and we’re still holding the line,” Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers Local 100G President Mike Moore told this fellow union member and Militant worker-correspondent on the picket…

Help win ‘Militant’ renewals — Special offer on new book

Vol. 87/No. 3 - January 16, 2023

We are inviting recent Militant subscribers to become long-term readers. And we are also asking distributors and partisans of the Militant worldwide to join us in the effort to reach out to as many people as possible who subscribed to…