As Putin bombs civilians — Defend Ukraine sovereignty!

Unrest grows among workers, nationalities in Russia
Vol. 86/No. 39 - October 24, 2022
Ukrainians take refuge in Kyiv metro station during Russian missile assault Oct. 9, singing national anthem. Lina Malina said fellow Ukrainians, her people, are a “nation of invincibles.”

Russian forces launched deadly missile strikes against over 20 cities across Ukraine Oct. 10 as a brutal response to a series of setbacks to President Vladimir Putin’s attempts to conquer the country. After seven and a half months of invasion,…

Kyiv gains ground in east, south Support Ukraine independence!

Putin claims he has ‘annexed’ Ukraine provinces
Vol. 86/No. 38 - October 17, 2022
At Moscow’s Tretyakovskaya metro station Sept. 15, Pyotr Safroshkin’s placard reads, “200 days of blood and pain. Do you really want more?” Anti-war protests continue across Russia.

Ukrainian forces reconquered more territory in the country’s south and east as they advance against Moscow’s seven-month invasion aimed at destroying Ukraine’s independence. As his war falters, Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed four regions of Ukraine seized by Moscow were…

Protests in Iran grow over death of Mahsa Amini, gov’t repression

Vol. 86/No. 38 - October 17, 2022
Teachers involved in school sit-in in Shiraz, Oct. 4 supporting sweeping protests over death of Mahsa Amini, an Iranian Kurdish woman, after her arrest by Iran’s “morality police.”

Despite brutal repression by government forces, protests against the police killing of Mahsa Amini have spread to all of Iran’s 31 provinces, and among working people from the country’s main nationalities and religions. Amini, a Kurdish woman, died Sept. 16,…

Support Ukraine independence!
Putin’s troops out of all of Ukraine!

Vol. 86/No. 37 - October 10, 2022
Thousands of Russians have fled since Putin imposed new draft. Above, mileslong line of cars at Georgia border. Left, Russian men at border seeking to avoid becoming cannon fodder for Moscow’s Ukraine war.

The determination of the Ukrainian people to prevent Russian President Vladimir Putin’s regime from conquering their country was decisive in a series of battlefield victories won earlier this month in Kharkiv province. Putin’s response is to call up hundreds of…

Protests in Iran, worldwide hit death of Mahsa Amini

Tehran’s ‘morality police’ harass, brutalize women
Vol. 86/No. 37 - October 10, 2022
Demonstrators block traffic in downtown Tehran, Sept. 21, 2022. Protests have spread across every province, over 80 cities in Iran, into Kurdish region of Iraq, and around the world.

Protests by tens of thousands of people over the death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish woman, have spread to over 80 cities across Iran and to every province, as well as into the Kurdish region of Iraq that borders…

Back railroad workers’ fight over schedules, jobs, crew size

Vol. 86/No. 37 - October 10, 2022

As the Militant  reported last week, the capitalist media acts like rail workers’ contracts are all settled and done with, but the fact is most rail union members either are just now receiving the tentative agreements to look at and…