Rail workers battle bosses over deadly job conditions

Bosses threaten lockout, demand gov’t intervene
Vol. 86/No. 35 - September 26, 2022
Rail workers rally Sept. 10 in Toledo, part of nationwide fight for new contract, including end to attacks on crew size, unlivable work schedules, and for pay hikes to keep up with inflation.

LINCOLN, Neb. — Amid ongoing negotiations in Washington for a national contract between the main rail unions and bosses, two rail workers were killed on the job Sept. 8. The two were on a Union Pacific freight train that collided…

Build solidarity with rail workers fight! Help strengthen, expand the labor movement!

Rail workers fight for end to deadly schedules, crew size
Vol. 86/No. 34 - September 19, 2022
Over 150 rail workers and supporters rallied July 30 in Galesburg, Illinois, in fight over national rail contract, including against draconian attendance policies and one-person “crews.”

CHICAGO — Mario Aurelio Navarro, a 49-year-old experienced conductor, was killed in a derailment in a Union Pacific rail yard in El Paso, Texas, Aug. 29. Two cars derailed, crushing Navarro and crashing into a neighboring backyard, rupturing a gas…

Ingredion workers rally, win wide support in Iowa strike

Vol. 86/No. 34 - September 19, 2022
Sept. 1 rally of Ingredion workers in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on strike since Aug. 1. Some 122 members of Bakery Workers union Local 100G are fighting bosses to win contract gains.

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa — Nearly 200 strikers, family members, fellow unionists and community supporters marched and rallied at the Ingredion plant here Sept. 1. The 122 members of Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers Local 100G at Ingredion have…

‘Militant’ wins fight against ban in Arizona federal prison

Vol. 86/No. 34 - September 19, 2022

In an important victory for the free exchange of ideas and freedom of the press, prison authorities at the Federal Correctional Institution in Phoenix have reversed their unconstitutional ban on two issues of the Militant. The Militant has resent the…

White House attacks target constitutional protections

Vol. 86/No. 34 - September 19, 2022

Backed by Democrats from the party’s fraying factions, President Joseph Biden, along with never-Trump Republicans, the New York Times and the rest of the liberal press, have stepped up their relentless drive against Donald Trump and the 74 million people…

Defend Ukraine independence! Moscow out of all of Ukraine now!

Vol. 86/No. 34 - September 19, 2022

For over six months, the Ukrainian people have mobilized and fought to prevent Moscow’s forces from conquering their country and crushing its independence. Repulsing attacks on Kyiv, the capital, and elsewhere in the northeast, they have sapped the morale of…